Gathering and Mission

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It has been a month since the invasion, the watch tower was rebuilt and the justice league realized they needed more help and decided to expand and invite heroes to be memmbers, today would be the day they all came and recruited more memmbers with different powers wheather magical or scientific.

Currently we see peter meeting many heroes and talking to them, he has met people with different powers such as zatanna a poweful magic user and was intrested in the magic she used, he also met a certain person that really intrested him called vixen, apparently she was the champion of anansi and was given a sacred  totem that allowed her to use any power of any animal she wanted.

Flash back.

Peter has heared of a woman being the champion of anansi and grew very curious. He spotted  a woman that fit her description and approached her.

Peter  : excuse me, are you vixen ?

Vixen : yes, nice to meet you spiderman, I saw you on the news, they said you saved the league.

Peter : I am sure they would have gotten out alone, so my help was not needed.

Vixen : humble too, I like that. So do you need anything ?

Peter : yes, I heared you are the champion of anansi, is that true ?

Vixen : yup, it's true, the totem was gifted by anansi long ago, it gives me the characteristics of any animal I want.

Peter : that's cool, though I heared there were others.

Vixen : yes, but they were lost. Why the intrest ?

Peter : hmm, I think it would be too bad if you have an incomplete set and I see you have a good heart so..
Peter held his hand amd 4 totems appeared in his hand.

Vixen( astonished) : those are the missing totems, how did you find them. The air totem, the water totem, the fire totem ,the earth totem. Those have been lost through the ages, how did you find them ?

Peter : let's just say anansi and I have a special connection, though I will not give you the death totem since I don't like it's power.

Vixen : your giving this to me why ?

Peter : unlike anansi's other champions in the multiverse, you are quite special and I see you are not a dissapointment like many of them I knew.

Vixen : thank you, but what do you mean multiverse and other champions.

Peter : you have much to learn  but for now master the other totems before I tell you.

Vixen : then you will tell me the truth ?

Peter : maybe.(maybe I should make her the new madam web, if she proves worthy).
Before leaving her. He was really intrested in what she would do in the future and he would be watching closely.

End flashback

Peter paid attention since it seemed superman wanted to say somethimg.

Superman : hello everyone, thank you for comming hear today, each of you brings different powers from speed to strength to stealth and other things, but we all have the same goals, we all want to protect Earth and are not afraid to make sacrafices to save people, but we need to be coordinated, I know many of you are used to making your own decisions but we are now a team, we can no longer act like cowboys...or cowgirls.

This last part drew laughs from everyone and peter had to admit superman had great charisma and was a great source of inspiration, it kinda reminded him of captain America in a way.

Peter : good speech superman.

Out of the corner of his eye peter saw batman talking to a man with a bow, he just hoped he wasn't as annoying as hawkeye. Both seemed in an argument of sort so he approached to see if he could help.

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