chapter 13

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y/n pov:
i ran all the way back home. i saw a car in the driveway, "auntie jane.." i sniffled and ran inside. i looked around the house and saw her making dinner. "y/n! i thought u would be- honey why are you soaked! your gonna catch a-" i hugged her. "i really need a hug right now" i sniffled in her shirt. she tightly wrapped her arm around my small figure. "why don't we talk about it later? go take a shower and we can have dinner a little after. take all the time you need baby." she whispered and placed a kiss on my forehead. i nodded and walked upstairs.

standing in the shower with the hot water dripping down my body. i wanted to scream and let my emotions out. i heard a faint knock on the door. "sweetie you've been in there for almost an hour are you okay?" i nodded then realized how dumb i was. "im fine!" i told her. i heard her footsteps walk away from the door. i turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around my body and my hair. i stared at myself. everything i saw in that mirror made me wanna cry.

i held myself together and walked out of the bathroom and went to my room. i halted dried my hair with a hair dryer and put on my fuzzy pjs. i finally went downstairs and sat next to my aunt. she placed downs. hot bowl of chicken noodle soup. "i hope you like it" i nodded and started eating. the silence bothered me as if it's slowly making me go crazy. "can i be homeschooled?" she looked at me. "what's wrong honey?" i sighed and ate my food. "nothing..i just think it's better for me to focus when i'm home schooled." she nodded and rubbed my back.

"i'll see what i can do" she placed a kiss on my cheek before grabbing both of our empty bowls to the sink. "you don't have to go to school tomorrow" i thanked her and told her i was going to bed. i laid down and stared at the ceiling. my window was opened next to my bed feeling the cold breeze. i then stared at the stars outside. "what's wrong with me.." i sighed and brought my covers closer to me. as i was about to make myself fall asleep i heard someone's voice. "y/n?" i opened my eyes to see johnny.

"johnny..?" i sat up and held my hand out. he took my hand and i gently brought him to my bed. "how'd you get up here?" he smiled. "dally showed me how." i laughed  and looked outside. "i came to check up on you..i hope that's not a problem." i looked at him and laughed at how worried he was for me. "a little company from johnnycakes doesn't hurt" i pinched his cheek. "hey!" he laughed and pushed my hand away.

"would you like to spend the night with me?" i look at him as the moonlight shined his face showing a hint of pink on his cheeks. "i'd love to spend the night with you.." i opened my arms for him. he gladly accepted the offer and snuggled in my neck. i brought the covers over us and traced shapes on his arms. "i love you y/n.." i sighed happily. "i love you too johnnycakes.."

word count: 579

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