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Y/n pov:

I was in the same dark room again with the same light bulb above me. I looked at my body with the same mirror on the wall. I was covered in bruises and much more. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Ponyboy. "P-pony?" I stuttered. Cherry came from behind and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Another nightmare.." I looked at Ponyboy who started to melt and soon turned into a liquid on the floor which evaporated after.

"This isn't a dream you idiot!" Cherry pushed me back to the mirror which lead me to another room. I stumbled back and fell into water. I felt numb. I swam up but was blocked by a clear glass. on top stood up was my father, mother, cherry and myself but grown up. They all stood there looking down at me with no expression. I began banging on the glass. I was getting dizzy under water.
The moment I felt like drowning I immediately sat up and took a deep breath.

I choked as if I forgot how to breathe. "Someone get her water!" I heard Steve yell. Darry handed me a glass of water and I immediately drank it all. Johnny soon woke up which i felt bad, I didn't want to wake him up. Darry rubbed my back as i drank the water.

"Hey kid, you alright?" Twobit sat in front of me. I handed the glass to Darry and nodded. "Just a nightmare.." "Parents again?" Johnny asked me. "Something like that?" I said, looking at Johnny who looked over at Soda and Darry with a worried look. I felt weak so I just leaned against Johnny and closed my eyes. Darry picked me up bridal style and walked me to his room. "Please don't leave me alone.." I said in his chest as I let out a cry. "I ain't going anywhere kiddo." he placed me down on his bed and sat down. "What did you mean by 'something like that' I looked at him and let out a shaky sigh. "Cherry and Ponyboy was in it too.."

Ponyboy pov:

I was leaning against the wall of Darry's room and just listened. I was worried about her. I mean, she's been my best friend since diapers days! I listened to the whole thing. Her sobs, her explaining her nightmare and Darry saying she was a big girl. I walked over to the house phone and dialed Cherry's number.

"Hello? Cherry Valance speaking." "It's Ponyboy" She let out a laugh and I can sense her grin from the other side. The whole gang was looking at me but I didn't care. "Hi baby! Why you calling?" "Meet me at the diner?" Soda stood up but I held my hand out for him to calm down. "Of course! your sweater or my-" Before she could pick out a stupid top I hung up on her.

"Let me guess, Cherry?" Sodapop stood in front of me now. The whole gang just ignored us so they continued watching tv or talking with each other's "Yeah, but please, I can explain later" Soda's face softened and nodded before letting me go.

I smiled and quickly gaved him a hug before running out the door. It wasn't a long walk to the diner. I was probably a block away when I saw Cherry talking to another guy. I didn't think much of it so I kept walking to them. "You have to go before Ponyboy comes! He can't know about us." I stopped walking and just stood there. They haven't noticed me until I cleared my throat. They both jump and Cherry pushed the guy away from her and started coming to me. "Pony-" I stared at the guy. I didn't care what just happened but I dragged Cherry inside the diner. She's about to sit and listen to me about how shitty she is.

word count: 665

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