Chapter 6: A Local Hero

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Hey everyone so this will be the last chapter until probably until Monday or Tuesday! So hopefully this can hold you over. The view update is at 222. If anyone cares lol but I think it's so awesome how big this has grown. I know to a lot of people this is like amateur numbers but to me it's huge. I wanna say my goal for this series is to get to 1k views so hopefully, we get at least close. But enough about numbers you guys have been awesome so many people from different countries have read this story and I just wanna hi and I see you. While the majority of my audience is in the good ole' US of A, it's so awesome to see people from around the world from even Russia checking it out. Anyway, here you guys go chapter 6 of A Trainer Named Lucas.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own pokemon in any way, this is just a fanfiction. Please support the creators by buying and playing Pokemon Platinum Version wherever sold in your respective area.



Bolded Italics: Speaking to Audience or Out of Time

Regular Italics: Thoughts

COF: Character(s) of Focus

Chapter 6: A Local Hero

COF: Lucas Diamond

Lucas marched right up to the Valley Windworks building and saw a Team Galactic Grunt standing in the way.

"Beat it, kid," The Grunt told Lucas.

"You guys have an innocent man in there, how pathetic are you people," Lucas said with a snarl.

"Smartass remarks aren't going to get you inside now, beat it unless you wanna get your pokemon taken," The grunt told Lucas.

"I'd love to see you try," Lucas mocked the grunt.

Lucas easily aced through the grunt so fast the grunt didn't even know what happened. All that training really paid off Lucas was getting really good at battling. He could read people, it came so naturally to him and he always seemed to know what people's strategies were. He found it part of the fun.

"How the hell....alright I admit it you're really good but I am still not letting you in," The grunt said, shutting the door on Lucas' face and locked it.

"Asshole," Lucas cussed to himself.

"I need to find a key....wait a minute there were those grunts back in Floarma Town," Lucas said as he rushed back to Floarma Town.

He found that the two galactic grunts were no longer there but instead harassing a local in the meadow.

"HEY LEAVE HIM ALONE," Lucas said, pulling out a Pokeball and running up to him.

"Who do we have here, looks like this kid is trying to tell us what to do," The first grunt said laughing.

"Man you either have balls of steel or you're just plain stupid kid," The other grunt said.

"Why don't you find out which one I am," Lucas growled.

"Your loss," The grunt said.

Like the other grunt, Lucas swept through the grunts with Bibarel and Monferno. It felt good to know he was teaching these grunts a lesson about messing with innocent people. It was a feeling he couldn't explain but he couldn't just stand by and watch someone who can't defend themselves.

A Trainer Named LucasWhere stories live. Discover now