Chapter 20: Lucas vs Maylene

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Hey everyone, here it is the big chapter 20. I know it's just a number but really this is just the beginning and people have been asking me how many chapters this story will have. I didn't have an answer and I really still don't but if anything it'll probably be in the 40's or 50's so yeah long way from done. Thank you all for sticking around and I hope you stay because I got some crazy ideas for not just this story but the one after this and my big finale! Without further ado let's see how Lucas handles his next gym battle!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own pokemon in any way, this is just a fanfiction. Please support the creators by buying and playing Pokemon Platinum Version wherever sold in your respective area.



Bolded Italics: Speaking to Audience or Out of Time

Regular Italics: Thoughts

COF: Character(s) of Focus

Eterna City Diner, Sinnoh

7 am

Hunter "Looker" Langley

Looker waited at the diner. He was used to getting up early from being undercover, he knew Mike and Cyrus were gonna meet but he needed some help to record the conversation. He couldn't risk being seen as an agent so he decided to leave the city for this meeting. With him was his CO, Lt. Ryan Murphy who he had since grown to like ever since starting this undercover assignment. Looker has an idea for how to get perfect feedback from their dinner and it required an old friend.

"You sure he's gonna be here?" Murphy said, sipping his coffee.

"He said he would, short notice but he's always been great at arriving on time, you know that," Looker said.

Agent 2nd Grade: Hunter "Looker" Langley

Home Region: Hoenn

Years Active:

1985-1989 (Criminal Tracking Squad/Hoenn Narcotics Division)

1989-1991 (Kanto Counter-Terrorism Division)

1991-Present (Sinnoh Counter-Terrorism Division)

Badge Number: 4690

"If this plan works I'll be impressed, this is very risky for both you and him Langley," Murphy said, looking at Looker.

Lt. Ryan Murphy

Home Region: Alola

Years Active:

1968-1990 (Alola Homicide Division)

1990-2005 (Kanto Counter-Terrorism Division)

2005-Present (Sinnoh Counter-Terrorism Division)

Badge Number: formerly 5294, Retired since becoming Lt.

"I know but we have to try, never know what they could say," Looker said, getting up.

"He's here?" Murphy asked.

"Yea," Looker smiled.

Looker walked over to the entrance to see someone he hadn't seen in a very long time. The glue that held the group together at first, Agent Aaron Black.

A Trainer Named LucasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora