Chapter 17: Insurance Policy

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Quick intro this time not much to say other than thank you for the explosive support over this week it's incredible to see so thank you all again. One more thing sorry this was a day late, HW got in the way and the editing just wasn't done. I don't wanna rush out a half-baked chapter for yall so I hope you understand. Enough rambling let's jump back with Lucas or in this chapter's case, Mike and Looker.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own pokemon in any way, this is just a fanfiction. Please support the creators by buying and playing Pokemon Platinum Version wherever sold in your respective area.



Bolded Italics: Speaking to Audience or Out of Time

Regular Italics: Thoughts

COF: Character(s) of Focus

Resort Area, Sinnoh

12:30 pm

"And then Silver fell over in the mud," Mike said, laughing.

"Dude, you gotta tell me what happened afterward," Brendan said over the video call.

"I will, I will, oh I'm here I gotta go," Mike said.

"Alright same here got some new challengers, talk to ya later," Brendan said.

"Peace," Mike said, hanging up.

If there was one thing Mike was grateful for, it was his lasting friendship with Brendan. After he became champion of Hoenn he was super busy but always made time to talk to Mike. Mike was always busy as well but he tried to find time as well. Despite Brendan not knowing Mike's situation they acted like he never left.

"Nice work buddy, take a rest," Mike said, getting off and putting Atlas back into his ball.

It wasn't often that Mike had days off but when he did he tried to do relaxing things. Seeing his family, spending the day with pokemon, or going to his one of the only friends he ever made while in Sinnoh. Mike walked up to the biggest villa in the area. It was on top of a cliff and had an overview of the whole area. Mike was always astounded at how large it was. It was almost like its own building rather than a vacation home.

"More like a mansion," Mike said, knocking on the door.

The door opened and Mike smiled at his friend, they met about 3 years ago in Eterna City when they literally bumped into each other.

"You know I never stopped being amazed by how much space you have Cynthia," Mike said.

"Well being the champion has its perks," Cynthia smiled.

Mike and Cynthia met again the next year after she became champion. They saw each other at Sunyshore's beach where they laughed off their previous encounter. From then on they became friends and started to hang out together on their days off if they could.

"Trust me, Brendan never shuts up about them," Mike laughed.

"Oh I met him I'm sure he doesn't, Steven even warned me about his overexcited nature," Cynthia said, inviting Mike in.

The villa was so inviting, despite its large exterior, the inside was cozy with a home-style look to it. The living room had a gorgeous outlook of the ocean and sunshine was beaming down from the skylights. The furniture was spotless as if maids cleaned it every day despite not being used. The floor was a shiny oak that was glossed over. The whole place was extremely nice and even though Mike made his fair share of money, but even he couldn't deny that this would be out of his price range.

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