Chapter 16: Building a Bond

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Hey everyone, sorry for not posting last week but that's because I went back and revised some old chapters. With that being said this chapter is a bit short because I was combining this writing time with the editing. Starting today chapters 1-6 will be reposted with better format, grammar, and clearer reading. Chapters 1 and 2 have already been posted and I will continue to update the story up to chapter 6. Without further ado, let's hope back in with Lucas.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own pokemon in any way, this is just a fanfiction. Please support the creators by buying and playing Pokemon Platinum Version wherever sold in your respective area.



Bolded Italics: Speaking to Audience or Out of Time

Regular Italics: Thoughts

COF: Character(s) of Focus

Chapter 16: Building a Bond

COF: Lucas Diamond

Lucas biked through the peaceful path of Route 209. It was nice to not have a path jam-packed with trainers. It was calm, the wind blew into the trees giving it the sound of nature. Wild pokemon rustling in the grass made Lucas feel right at home. He was on his way to Solaceon Town. Despite it not having a gym, Lucas was just as excited to go there as any other place he had been. He wanted to experience all of Sinnoh no matter how big or small it was.

Lucas thought about his battle with Fantina. It was close and even though he had 5 team members he could only use 4. Pokemon like Gabite are very stubborn to train, only certain trainers can create the bond needed to keep them in line. Luckily for Lucas, Gabite was still young so there was still a chance. Garchomps are some of the most powerful pokemon in the world and require a lot of work to tame. Lucas knew that for Gabite to trust him he needed to feel like Lucas was being honest with him.

This might be a bad idea but fuck it I have to try.

"Gabite, come on out," Lucas said, releasing Gabite.

Gabite came out and looked around confused. Once he looked back at Lucas he growled and turned his back to him. Lucas sighed, he didn't know that being a trainer could be this difficult.

"Look, I know you don't like me but we need to talk," Lucas said.

Gabite huffed as if saying no.

"I know how your kind can be tough, difficult, and stubborn but I still think we could make a great team please just listen to me," Lucas pleaded.

Finally, Gabite turned his head in Lucas' direction. Lucas shouted inside, finally a small win.

"One thing I feel like we can do is learn to trust each other, listen I have to put my faith in you just as much as you to me I'm not giving up on you so we need to work past this," Lucas said.

Gabite said nothing but eventually gave a small nod.

"Let's start with the basics, my name is Lucas Diamond, I come from Twinleaf Town and I just started my journey," Lucas said, extending a hand.

Gabite looked at the hand for a minute and eventually shook it and sat down.

"Good, can I call you Gabite?" Lucas asked.

Gabite nodded and Lucas smiled at him, finally, they were getting somewhere.

"Look you are one stubborn bastard, you want to do your own thing and you want independence I get that," Lucas said.

A Trainer Named LucasWhere stories live. Discover now