Chapter 15: Hunter "Looker" Langley

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Hey everyone just wanna give a shout-out to Number13teen (Fic: Topaz: Hybrid Edition) and HelloYellow17 (Fic: Of Sands and Shadows) they have been a real help with this one. If you haven't already check out their stories, I am really lucky to be working with such talented writers! Be sure to check them out and give them love. Gonna keep this intro short but if you see this comment um fuck idk Ryan's Ice Cream.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Pokemon in any way this is just a fanfiction. Please support the creators by buying and playing Pokemon Platinum Version wherever sold in your respective region.



Regular Italics: Thoughts

Bolded Italics: Speaking to the Audience or Out of Time

COF: Character(s) or Focus

Warning: This chapter contains graphic violence and events that may disturb you, keep in mind that these events are NOT for comedic effect and are used to advance the story. Read at your own risk.

Let's start with an easy question, how did this start?

In 1989 I was called to be apart of Kanto's Counter-Terrorism Squad 437 it was focused on finding Brian Rojas, the second in command for Team Rocket.

Who was in it?

Oscar Ramirez, he was pretty much our defacto leader almost. The guy was skilled but had a bit of temper when it came to criminals.

And who else.

Max Lanes, of course, the famous leader of Team Magma but before that he was with us, he was an ice cube that's why I like the bastard though very smart the best land navigator the IP has ever seen to this day. Then there was Aaron Black, our Foreign Asset he had been to every region at least ten times he knew exactly where we should go whenever we went overseas.

You were the FNG?

Fucking new guy ha it took me a while but they trusted me.

Why do you have the nickname Looker?

When I was in Tracking I could find anyone with no exceptions, so they gave me the nickname stupid but it stuck.

Why was your target, Brian Rojas?

The IP had tabs on Giovanni already so we were sent after his second in command but the mission amplified after '90.


Like you don't know?! After what he did in Lavender Town?

Yeah tragic...

Lavender Town, Kanto

October 16, 1990

Evan ran through the burnt buildings and into town. Screams and gunshots pierced the air and the sight of people being shot and pokemon trying to run filled the 9-year-olds eyes. He ran while crying, his mother and father were dead and his house lit on fire.

"Kill them all, no one is to be left alive," A man screamed.

Evan hid underneath a house holding his breath as Team Rocket grunts walked past. The sound of women and children crying plagued his mind like a disease. Men trying to fight off the grunts but were met with gunshots. It was a scene out of a bad nightmare.

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