Chater 14: Blacked Out

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Y/n POV:
I woke up feeling dizzy on the sofa. I could hear soft whimpers. Crying. I sat up slowly and saw Noah sitting next to me with his head I. His hands crying. "Noah?" I said just above a whisper. He quickly turned around and gave me a huge hug. I could feel his tears drip down onto my back. "What's wrong?" I asked worried. Noah let go of me slowly and laid me back down. "Y/n when James shouted back to me I got really angry, so I went to punch him but he ducked and I, I," he started crying again so I sat back up and put my arm around his shoulder and quietly told him to take his time. He didn't smile but he turned and nodded to me. "I accidentally punched you. As soon as I did that he walked off laughing and I picked you up and put you onto the sofa, Y/n I'm so sorry I, I didn't mean to." "Noah," "y/n I promise I didn't mean to." "NOAH!" I shouted cause he wasn't listening he looked at me shocked and then looked back at his hands. "It's ok honestly it's fine I know you didn't mean to punch me." Noah slowly looked up again and gave me a massive hug I felt safe in his strong arms.

                            An hour later:

Me and Noah are laying on the sofa watching IT. I'm laying with my head on his chest and he is stroking my hair.

                       Another hour later:

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up I was under the blanket on the sofa on my own. I sat up and called for Noah but there wasn't an answer so I decided to call him. He picked up the phone on the third ring. "Hello?" "Noah where are you?" I asked kind of scared because I have never liked being home alone. My mum is back from her business trip but she has gone out with her friends tonight and won't be back till tomorrow morning. My mum is hardly ever home same with my brother he is always out drunk at a pub. "I ran to the store because I was hungry I'm on my way back now." "Ok I'll see you in a bit" "bye"

The Library//Noah Schnapp + ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin