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Fake love 1

Her eyes creeping through the girl body while the girl busy arranging things on the shelf..without noticing it.

"Ya!  After gave birth..you should get your figure back. You got a look and beautiful shape...you know..easy to get a man with that.  If you still failed..I will help you to get a better job with fairly pay.."
The middle age women try to seduce her with her offered.

"I'll think about it aunty..."
She replied in low tone..and avoiding the woman glance.

"I try to help you dummy. Being a young mother is a burden...I know it because I'm a mother once..."
"Just gave your baby away and living your life like before. If you can't find a good family for him..just leave him in orphanage.. Someone will adopt him for sure... He will suffer if he staying with you."
"listen to me.. don't be stupid.. Think about yourself and your baby. You can't afford yourself..now..you want to drag the poor child with you?"

"your salary just enough for pay rent, utilities and for few foods.. What do you want to give the baby to eat? Grass?"

She startled and started to think logically. The women got a point. 


Her finger hesitate to pushing the doorbell.
She had been chasing out before..after the old man knew about her pregnancy.
But she has no choice..
For sake of her little one..she had to humiliate herself again..begging for mercy.

"get out from my house and don't appear in front of me again. I assume that you already die.."
The old man harsh words keep ringing again in her brain.

She need to be strong..even she had to crawl and bring down her dignity to the lowest ground..she will.

"I'm sorry Suzy.. You were not allowed to come here. Master forbid you to be here.. If he knew..not only you..me also be in the deep trouble...I hope you understand. "
The maid utter the word after the door was open..
She looks shocked by her appearance at the mansion..but nothing she can do to help the girl.

"it's okay aunty..just tell dad that I'm sorry and I hope that he will stay healthy.."
With dissapointed face..she caress her baby bump gently and left the mansion.

"it's okay honey. Mommy here with you. I'll do everything to make sure you safe and happy...don't cry okay.."
She utter a word while her face covered with tears...dropping without stop.

Slowly...in frustration..she taking a step..back to her house..


"I'm begging you..please.. I'll get my paycheck the day after tomorrow. I promise.. I'll pay you the rent..and the utilities bills too..please.. "

She trying to stop the house owner from throwing out all her belonging out from the house.

"I'm not running a welfare or homeless shelter.  Just sleep under the bridge if you can't afford to pay me..now.. Get out from my sight. "

Bad luck comes one after another.

Suzy pack up all her stuff and put it inside her bag.
She felt stress and at the same time..her baby bump feel cramp.

"you'll be okay baby. Mommy will do anything for you. Be strong for me okay.."
She try to ignoring the pain and pull her luggage slowly and walked without guidance.
She doesn't know where to go..what to do..

"excuse me.. I'm sorry for bothering you. By the way.. I'm Lisa. I'm one of the volunteers who run a women shelter..and this is my card.  You can check it for confirmation.. "

A beautiful young women approaching her..
She looks like a nice woman..but can she be trust?

"don't worry. I'm know what in your mind right now. I'm not a bad person. If I lie.. I would be strike by lightning for sure.."
She said in sparkling smile..noticing the girl doubt.

"just think about it will you. We always welcome you to our place. For your information.. Our place just two blocks from here.. Well.. I've got to go and I hope to see you soon.."
she left her with wide smile and get inside her car.

Suzy froze and look at the card that place on her hand. Maybe..this is the best choice for her  and her baby.
She just pray and believe that the God have arrange a beautiful plans for her and her baby.

Meanwhile.. Inside her car.. Lisa grab her phone and call someone.

"sir.. I've done the task. I'll follow her to make sure she safely arrived to your shelter house."

💜 FAKE LOVE (YOONMIN)   [[COMPLETE ]]Where stories live. Discover now