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"And Halie Duncan, do you take Harry Styles, to have and to hold through rich and for poor, through sickness and health as long as you both shall live?"

My smile was so wide it was hurting the sides of my cheeks, as I waited for those two simple words to come out of my beautiful bride's mouth. I was actually pretty surprised that I was holding it together. I thought I would-

"I'm so sorry, but I can't marry you Harry."

Nine words have never held so much pain, and I was sure my jaw was on the floor by my feet.

The entire room was collective gasps and "Did she really say that?" and "Oh that poor boy" and I almost passed out.

"I'm sorry," Halie muttered and took off down the aisle, holding her dress as she ran. Everything around me went in slow motion as I watched her grow farther and farther away from me.


I was speechless.


I couldn't move. I couldn't even-

"Harry, god dammit, wake up!"

What the fuck.

"Harry Styles, if you don't get out of this bed then you won't be able to see your wonderful bride at the altar. Get up you lazy bastard."

I peeled my eyes open for the first time, finding a rather annoyed and irritated Louis with his hands on his hips and he was suddenly yanking back the blankets that were once cocooned around me.

"It's seven in the morning and to be honest we are already behind schedule, so get your stupid ass out of bed and get in the shower so we can go! Let's haul ass!"

And my bedroom door was slammed shut.

I groaned and rolled out of bed, because I would be skinned alive if Louis came back and found me in the same exact spot.

I'm getting married today...

And that thought alone was enough to "haul ass," as Lou put it, and get ready to go...get more ready. Apparently there was a lot to do in a short period of time.

I'm marrying the love of my life today.


"On a scale from one to ten, how nervous are you?" Louis asked me as we drove to the church we were getting married in. Apparently a whole team of people were there, ready to spend their day getting Harry Styles ready for his wedding. Surprisingly, the wedding wasn't a million dollar wedding the media and fans are thinking it will be, Halie and I just wanted it simple and small, and we invited our families and close friends.

"Right now, probably a five. But when I'm on the altar waiting for those doors to open, I'll be a twenty I think." Louis shook his head and chuckled. "No, you'll never guess what I dreamed about last night. When it was time for Halie to say 'I do' she shook her head and ran down the aisle. Oh my God it was the worst nightmare of my life. I don't want that to happen Lou."

Louis surprised me by actually laughing out loud. "H, do you really think she's going to do that? I've been friends with her for how long? And she's known you for how long? She talks about you all the time mate, even now two years after your engagement. You definitely do not have to worry about that happening Harry." Even as Louis' words were a tiny bit soothing, it still doesn't mean I'm not nervous for the endless possibilities that could happen between now and the wedding.

We pulled into the parking lot of the beautiful church and I was surprised to find people outside directing Louis and I into the gathering center I was to get ready in. People were everywhere when we finally got inside. Jeez, how much people do you need to get a man ready for his wedding?

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