~C h a p t e r 29~

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The urge to kiss Harry was out of control for me. I guess I missed his lips so much that all I wanted to do was kiss him, but he definitely wasn't complaining. 

"Why didn't you tell me that you were coming home right away like you said you would?" I asked him as I twirled my finger through one of this curls. He was styling his hair a little differently, pushing it up off his forehead instead of pushing it to the side, and to be honest I missed his fringe. 

"Because," He started, drawing patterns on the back of my hand. "I wanted to try being romantic by surprising you with flowers. Did it work?" I giggled, pressing yet another kiss to his pink lips. 

"Yeah, you had me pretty surprised. I think the flower did the trick though." 

"Aw, but what about the passionate kiss?"

I rolled my eyes at him, shrugging. "Wasn't very passionate enough." He feigned a look of hurt, holding his free hand up to his chest. 

"Now I'm hurt. You can't just step on my ego and crush it like that." His pout was probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen, and it took a lot of energy not to 'aw' at it. I poked it instead. 

"Don't be grumpy. I was only kidding." He stuck his tongue out at me, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"Whatever," He mumbled.

"You can show me a passionate kiss to make up for it you know," I whispered in his ear, and his expression was priceless. With eyes blown and breathing staggered, it's almost as if he saw a ghost. Smirking, I stood up and swayed my hips a little bit more than necessary, and I probably looked utterly ridiculous. I sauntered the rest of the way upstairs, because as fun as this was, teasing Harry and all, I had American History class to attend. And Nick was picking me up in a few minutes. 

I changed out of my Pink sweats, pulling on some yoga pants instead, but keeping Harry's sweatshirt on. I was obsessed with his clothes and I was obsessed with wearing them.

"Where do you think you're going?" I whirled around to find Harry leaning against the door frame with his arms still crossed on his chest. 

"I have class," I answered, throwing my pants on my bed and exiting my room without a glance at him, just to tease him more. By the reactions I was getting, I was doing a pretty fine job. 

"I can drive you." He followed me down the stairs where I picked up my phone to wait for Nick to call. 

"Nick is picking me up," I responded.

"Can you at least put on some different pants? I should be the only one seeing you with those," he practically growled, and I grinned. Jackpot. 

"You like?" I asked jutting out my bum a bit while posing. I let out a squeak when I was being hoisted up and shoved against the hallway wall.

"I love," He mumbled in my ear, then returning to my lips to kiss me fiercely. 

I smirked into the kiss. I had no idea this would be Harry's reaction when I wore yoga pants. Maybe I need to have a shopping spree after class...

"Are you sure Nick has to take you?" He mumbled on my lips, and I giggled as he pouted.

"Yeah, he's on his way already. But you can pick me up if you want?" His eyes lit up and he nodded, pecking my lips again. 

"What time is your class done?" 

"One o' clock," I replied, and he brushed his nose with mine, which I loved. My phone vibrated on the table, and I pulled away quickly, and he let me down on the floor. "Nick's here!" Harry grumbled under his breath, and I giggled, grabbing my purse. "I'll see you at one. Quit frowning, your face will stay like that if you continue doing it." He rolled his eyes, and I pecked his lips. This felt really good, almost as if we were a married couple, and the thought of that made butterflies fly around in my stomach. Nick honked, and I rolled my eyes. "Okay, I really have to go now." 

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