~C h a p t e r 23~

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I'm sorry I'm so bad at updating :( I haven't even updated my one shots in a while! I literally hate school so much, it's so stressful :( I'm trying my best to update for my lovely readers :3 thank you sooooo so so much for bearing with me! <3 Now, onward with the story that you waited so patiently for :)


I squeezed my eyes shut and pinched the bridge of my nose to will away the pointless tears that were pricking at my eyes. I feel like an utter idiot for making Halie upset with me, but it's not my fault that I'm jealous of Nick. He gets to be with her whenever he wants and here I am miles and miles away from her. My hands itched to be next to her, cuddling her, kissing her and holding her in my arms, and the thought of Nick doing just that made me want to scream. 

"Haz, take a deep breath, you look like you want to scream." My eyes shot open to see Louis reaching out and setting his hand on my shoulder. My shoulders slumped as he pulled me to him. "I miss her to Harry, she's my best friend, it hurts to be away from her. But you have to trust her okay? She's not going to do anything stupid." 

I sighed, looking at Louis. "Yeah, I just don't know if I trust Nick..." Walking over to the couch, I flopped down setting my head in my hands. "He gets to be there holding her and watching movies and shit while I can't even touch her. Louis..." I breathed in a shaky breath. "It hurts." Louis frowned sympathetically, sitting down with me. 

"Harry I know...it's okay, alright? She probably misses you loads." 

"I snapped at her...now she won't answer her calls or texts. It sucks leaving it on a sour note. I just want to hear her voice." Louis whipped out his phone and grinned. 

"Well, she'll answer me because she loves me." I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but smile. Louis held the phone out on speaker, but put his finger to his lips, gesturing me not to say anything when she answers. 

"Hey Lou," She chirped through the phone. Louis smiled. 

"Hey Love? How are you? I miss ya!"

"Miss you too Louis. Me and Nick are just watching a movie."

"Listen Hales, I have a very sad cupcake who wants to talk to you. He loves you very much." Halie paused, and I flicked Louis the finger and he silently laughed.

"Let me talk to him then."

"Hey beautiful," I replied, and she sighed.  

"Hi Harry," She breathed on the other line, and I inwardly smiled. Taking the phone from Louis' hands, I walked into the bathroom and laughed when I heard him complain. 

"I'm sorry for snapping at you..." I muttered, my face heating up for some reason. "I was a total dick about it. I know you and Nick are friends, I just don't know if I trust him sometimes." 

"It's okay Harry, I get that you miss me a lot." She replied and I could just picture the smirk on her face. 

"But I do...so much." She sighed again, and I cringed. "So we're okay? I can't stand arguing with you when I'm not there to kiss you to make it better." I could practically feel her blush, and this time I smirked. 

"Yeah, we were always okay. You just decided to pull the possessive boyfriend card." 

"Oh whatever Halie, in my defense I don't like how I can't be there to cuddle you." She laughed, and I smiled, chuckling as well. 

"HARRY I HAVE TO PISS!" Niall shouted on the other side of the door as he banged on it. "Hurry the fuck up-" 

"I'm coming Niall! Jesus..." Halie laughed on the other line and I jumped off the sink counter and opened the door, and Niall shoved me out and slammed the door in my face. 

Stole My Heart [h.s]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt