~C h a p t e r 33~

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When I woke up the next morning, I was sweating. I was being spooned by Harry, and he was like my own personal space heater. I tried to wiggle out of his strong hold as carefully as I could without waking him up, but he stirred, his eyes blinking a couple times and squinting.

"Don't get up," He mumbled, his voice coming out as a deep rumble that made my knees weak. "M'cold."

"Harry you're making me sweat, plus I need to go to the bathroom." He pouted at me, and I ignored my mind telling me to crawl back in bed with him and snuggle the day away. My bladder tells me otherwise. After relieving myself and washing my hands as well as brushing my teeth, I followed my mind and crawled back in my bed, where Harry was struggling to stay awake.

"You're lazy," I giggled, referring to his struggle to keep his eyes open.

"Well I haven't had proper sleep for the past couple days so I'm pretty knackered," He mumbled, which made me feel ten times worse than before. He sighed and opened his eyes to look at me. "Are we okay now?" He asked, rubbing his thumb over my cheek.

How could we not be okay? I was acting on my immaturity and didn't even realize I was hurting Harry in the process. People make mistakes and to hold grudges on someone for a mistake is unnecessary.

I grinned at him, brushing his curls back. "Yeah, of course we're okay." He smiled and leaned in to kiss me.

Kissing Harry was always the same, but in the most blissful, perfect way. As horribly cliche as it sounds, kissing Harry always felt like the first kiss. And I loved it so undeniably.

It felt so amazing to be normal with Harry again, because I missed him more than I ever imagined, which made me realize that I never want to do something like that again.

"Promise that we will never do that again," I muttered once we pulled away for oxygen.

He pressed his forehead to mine, flashing me a cheeky little grin. "Promise," He whispered, centimeters away from my lips, and he sealed it with a rather heated snog.


"Let's go out tonight," Harry spoke softly in my hair as we cuddled on the couch, not paying attention to the movie that was on the telly. "Wanna show you how sorry I am." I rearranged myself to be able to look him in the eyes.

"Harry," I giggled, flicking him on the nose, and giggled again when his nose scrunched up in surprise. "How many times do I have to tell you that you don't need to apologize every second of the-"

"Halie," He interrupted firmly, surprising me and grabbed my wrist. "I don't care how many times you have to say it. I fucked up and I won't forgive myself unless I show how sorry I am. I personally don't understand how you took it so easily. I kissed another girl because of my irresponsibility, while I was in an amazing relationship with you. I mean, I love you for forgiving me so quickly, but you should still be pissed at me." Harry sighed and lost eye contact with me, running a hand through his messy curls.

"Harry," I sighed, taking his hand again and turned his chin to meet my gaze. "I know you made a mistake, and yes I was pretty pissed off and disappointed, but I'm not one to hold a grudge over someone for long. I'd miss you way too much to stay mad at you. Hell, I missed you for the what, two days that we didn't talk to each other. Now let's stop talking about this because it's making me sad." Harry grinned, his face brighter and he attacked me in a hug and peppered my face with kisses.

"Come on, let's go." Harry took my hand, pulled me off the couch.

"Where are we going? If we are going someplace nice, I need to shower and change and-"

Stole My Heart [h.s]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن