~C h a p t e r 27~

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"Fuck!" I shouted, throwing my phone across my bed. "Why do I screw everything up all the time?" I pulled at my curls, squeezing my eyes shut to stop the tears that were bound to slip out.

"Harry...?" I heard Louis ask tentatively, knocking on my door softly. "Everything alright?" He came in anyway and I didn't look up from my lap, too scared he was going to notice my vulnerable state.

"I'm in a shitty mood Louis, I'm sorry." He sat down on my bed, and as much as I didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment, I could never push Louis away when he is willing to listen.

"Talk to me about it Harry, don't push me away, okay?" I sighed, suddenly feeling ten times worse for being hostile toward Louis.

Running my hands through my hair again, I sighed. "Yeah, I'm sorry Lou. It's just, every time I mend something with Halie, I end up fucking up again. I just wish I could be a better boyfriend for her, but it's so damn hard when I'm not with her, and when she's always talking about being with Nick constantly. I don't think she knows how much I wish I was with her, how much I wish Nick was me." My cheeks turned pink at my rant and I took a deep breath. "...So yeah."

"Oh Harry," He sighed, patting my back and rubbing it soothingly. "I know it's hard to maintain a relationship while on tour. But be thankful it's not an actual tour, and this will only last a couple more days and the next thing you know you'll be with her again." I sighed. Louis was right. I need to call Halie and poor my heart out, throw a tear or two in there and ill be good. Maybe I could hop on a plane and visit her...God I wish it was that easy.

"Thanks Lou, love you mate. Thanks for always putting up with my depressing shit."

"Hey, you know I like listening to that depressing shit. I'm always here to listen Haz." He patted my knee and walked to the door but turned back to me. "I miss her too Harry," He said and closed my door, leaving me to wallow in my self hatred and pity.

Grabbing my phone, I instantly had her number dialed.

It rang and rang until she picked up on the final ring. "Hey," She said a bit breathlessly.

"Hi babe," I managed to reply happier, even though I felt like shit. "I just want to apologizing for being a fucked up boyfriend. I feel terrible that I ruined your birthday."

"Harry, you're not a bad boyfriend, don't say that. It's fine, really, I feel stupid for arguing, some of it is my fault." She sighed. "I think the fact that we physically can't see each other is making us argue because of how stressed we are."

I sighed in relief, thankful that she understands. "Yeah," I breathed, lost for words. "Babe, I miss you." She giggled softly, and I felt so much lighter and happier now that things were back to normal-once again. 

"You say that a lot don't you?" Halie commented, and I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was smiling. 

"Yeah, I guess I do," I replied, running my hand through my curls. 

"Listen, I need to be at work in 10 minutes. I'll call you tonight? Text me when your show is over?"

"Sounds perfect," I responded, smiling. "Hales?"

"Yes Harry?"

"I love you."

She chuckled, and I knew her well enough by now that she was blushing. "Love you too you crazy head. I'll talk to you later."

"Crazy head? But how am I crazy head-"

"Goodbye Harry," She chuckled and was met with dial tone. Ouch. Smiling, I rushed to the main room to find Louis because I suddenly wanted to give him a big hug for giving me Louis advice. 

"Is everything alright with you and my Halie Bug?" 

"First of all, my Halie. Second of all," I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him while being on his back. "She forgave my stupid ass again. Thanks Louis you're the best." He chuckled and I slid off him. 

"The Tommo always at your service Harry. Now, I'm starving. Let's go pick up Nando's or something for everyone."

"I'm in," I responded, and Louis and I burst into laughter as my stomach growled-perfect timing.

Stole My Heart [h.s]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin