~C h a p t e r 3~

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About an hour later, Lou and I were settled on the couch, watching a random movie. My eyes drooped every 5 minutes and Lou laughed.

"You look so dead," He commented.

"Gee thanks," I muttered, getting out of his warm embrace to head over to the bed. I felt two strong arms pick me up and throw me on the bed. Laughing, I got back up and headed to the bathroom to shower. Doing all the essentials in the shower, I changed into my comfy pink pajamas and exited the bathroom. I laughed to myself when I saw Louis out cold on the bed, already snoring. I grabbed my phone and slipped out of the room, standing in the hallway. My mum was probably wondering what I was up to, s I decided to ring her and inform her.

"Hi mum," I greeted when she answered. "I got to London well, the hotel is so nice!"

"Great! I'm glad you're having a good time. Make sure you call me and give me updates on Lou!" We chatted for a bit more, catching up on what I had missed in the past several hours, which wasn't very much.

"..Alright, well I'll catch up with you later sweetheart. Love you!"

"Love you too mum." We hung up and I slipped my phone in my pajamas pocket. As I turned to go back inside, I caught a glimpse of someone sitting down on the ground at the end of the hall, slumped against the wall. And as I squinted my eyes to see more clearly, my heart did a flip.

It was the guy I had bumped into.

I quietly and slowly walked up to him, staying at least 5 feet away from him. He had his head in his hands, so I figured he wasn't in a pleasant mood. I cleared my throat to try and get his attention. His head snapped up and he gazed at me with a surprised expression.

"Well, what do you know, it's Clumsy Girl," He commented with a playful expression. I could tell he was covering up his mood. I had the grace to blush a little.

"I'm not clumsy, I just wasn't watching where I was going." He snorted.

"Okay, that's it." Smiling, I shook my head.

"Can I sit...?" I asked hesitantly, not really wanting to intrude.

"Oh yeah, sure." I slid down on the wall next to him.

"So, is everything alright? You seem...disappointed." He was silent, and I immediately tried to cover up.

"Oh God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, I-"

"You're fine, it's totally okay." He sighed. "My girlfriend just broke up with me," He muttered, his sadness betraying him.

"Oh...I'm sorry. Uh-"

"Harry. My name's Harry. Sorry about not adding the basic facts." I giggled and held out my hand.

"Halie Duncan. Nice to meet you Harry." He cracked a smile and gladly shook my hand.

"Likewise." Harry was sweet. I could tell he was a nice kind of guy. I glanced above me and caught his room number.

"So, I'm guessing you're staying here too?" He nodded.

"Yeah I am as a matter of fact." There was some clunking noise on the other side of the wall, and Harry sighed.

"Well, I better see what's going on in there. It was nice meeting you..again, Halie." He smiled again and slipped into his room, shutting the door behind him.

"You too," I muttered and walked four doors down to my room. Mulling over the confrontation I had, I slipped into bed next to Lou and cuddled to his warm side, falling asleep instantly.


I woke up to someone wriggling out of my grasp. Opening my eyes, I noticed Louis trying to quietly get out of bed, but my arms were wrapped around his torso. Bless him.

"Ah shit, I didn't mean to wake you up." Smiling, I propped myself up on my arm.

"It's okay, I was getting up anyway." He got out of bed and started collecting a shirt and pants for a shower.

"Where were you last night by the way? I faintly remember falling asleep to an empty bed." I paled, not really wanting to tell him about Harry.

"Oh, I was catching up with mum," I answered nonchalantly. He must've believed me, because he nodded and shut the door to the bathroom. As I sat on an extremely comfy couch, Jay walked in with a box in her hands, setting it on the kitchen counter.

"I got some donuts," She said, turning to me.

"Don't mind if I do, I'd like to be the first one to get the good ones before Louis does." Jay laughed.

"Is he not up yet?"

"Actually, he's in the shower at the moment. So I'll take this as my chance..." I grabbed a glazed donut and a sprinkled one and grabbed a plate from the cupboard above my head. Sitting back down on the couch, I began to eat. Ahh, delic-

"DONUTS?!" A loud voice exclaimed, dashing into the kitchen. That made me crack up, and I tried desperately to keep the donut in my mouth.

"Lou, jeez, keep your voice down. We're gonna get complaints." I laughed as Lou slumped, not meeting the eyes of his mother.

As we sat and finished our donuts, Jay's phone started ringing.

"Oh, that's probably work calling. This may take...a long time." She chuckled and walked out the doors into a little patio thing that overlooked the city.

"Well, looks like we got pretty much the day to do whatever we want. What's on your mind?" Pondering for a second, I grinned.

"Roller skating."


"Come on Lou, catch up!" I shouted as I quickly rolled around the skate rink, watching others laugh and fall on their bums. It was pretty amusing.

"Sorry that I take a while to lace up skates! Jeez!" I chuckled and latched on Lou's hand as we skated faster around the rink. This is another thing of many that we enjoy doing together. We laughed as we crashed into the wall.

"Okay, I'm hungry. Let's go eat. I hope they have carrots!"

"Oh Louis. How you make me laugh," I commented, laughing. As I ate my cliche skate rink hot dog and chips, I sang to the music coming loudly out of the speakers in my head. I stole one of Lou's carrots and chucked it at him, hitting his chest.

"HEY!" He shouted, causing people to turn their heads at us. I shrunk down in embarrassment.

"Louis William, shut the hell up, people probably think you're like, crazy now." He burst out laughing at my comment. We decided to leave after eating, before management kicked us out for being too loud and obnoxious. I glanced at my phone as we walked back to the hotel.

"Louis, it's 1:30!" I grabbed his arm and jumped up and down.

"Which means..."

"...Which means your auditions are coming up soon!" I honestly felt like I was more excited than he was. He ruffled my hair as we continued on our way back to the hotel. We spent the rest of the day lounging around the hotel. Louis practiced singing and I sat and enjoyed every minute of it. Louis has such an amazing voice.

After dinner, I took a shower and got ready for bed. Snuggling into the big thick duvet, I breathed a heavy sigh of exhaustion washed over me. Just as my eyes fluttered closed, the bed dipped and a warm body was pressed against my own.

"Why are you so warm? I'm freezing!" Louis laughed.

"Well in that case..." Lou wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him and I relaxed immediately.

"See you in the morning Halie Bear." But I was already out.


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