~C h a p t e r 16~

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I can't believe I let this happen.

Halie's going to hate me! God, I can't have that happen, again. Last night was too perfectly amazing, and I can't lose her again from some stupid mistake. I ran a hand through my bed head, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Simon texted me early this morning, telling me to go buy the latest issue of People. On the cover were some photos of Halie and I from last night. What if Halie doesn't take it well? I picked up the magazine again, skimming over the article title that read 'Harry's New Eye Candy' in bold yellow letters. Tears sprung to my eyes, and I furiously wiped them away before they fell. I absolutely hate how media portrays me as some big player man whore womanizer who sleeps around and shit. It's not who I am, or ever will be. I try to clear it up in interviews and stuff, but they never listen.

Sighing, I pulled out my iPhone.

Hales, are you working today? Come to Lou's please? xx

I prayed she wasn't working, because I don't think I'll be able to wait 12 hours to see her beautiful face...

"Hazz, what are you doing up so damn early?" I heard Louis grumble from down the hall. His tired form appeared and I motioned him to come sit with me. He rubbed his eyes and sat in my lap.

"I could be asking you the same thing Boo," I muttered, placing my chin on his head that was laying on my chest.

"Fizz woke me up," He sighed and cuddled into my chest, closing his eyes. "What are you doing up?"

"Why don't you just take a look..." I mumbled, picking up the magazine and handing it to Lou. He skimmed through the article and looked at the pictures with wide eyes. "Halie's gonna be so mad at me..." I mumbled, sighing. Lou shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know about that. She'll probably be excited that she's famous now or something like that." He chuckled softly. I hope so...my phone made a noise on the couch and I picked it up, hoping to God it was Halie.

I'm not working today, but I just woke up, so I'm looking a bit rough XD

Chuckling, I shook my head. Doesn't she know that she's beautiful anyway?

shut up silly :) Come over! urgent xx

"You know she won't be able to form sentences with that outfit you have on," Louis commented, gesturing to my plaid flannel pants and nothing else.

I smirked. "Oh, so you're saying I look hot Boobear?" I asked, tickling his sides. He lets out a laugh and I giggle with him. I'm so glad I have a friend like Louis. He's seriously the best.

"Lou?" A beautiful voice called from the foyer. "Harry?" I smiled and pushed Louis off my lap. There was a soft 'ow' but I'll apologize later.

"Halie!" I exclaimed and swallowed her up in a hug, picking her up off her feet. Her giggles rang through the parlor and I smiled. When reality hit me, I frowned and set her down.

"Listen, uh, so I have to show you something..." I scratched the back if my neck.

"Yeah, sure!" She replied, jumping on my back. I couldn't help but chuckle. How cute is she?

"There's my Halie Bear!" Lou exclaimed, getting up from his spot on the floor where I pushed him off my lap, and throwing his arms around his best friend. I picked up the magazine from the coffee table.

"So, Simon told me to go buy the latest People early this morning, because he found this on the cover..." I handed her the mag, and she gasped.

"Woah, I'm on the cover of People!" She exclaimed, smiling. What he hell...smiling? Well, that went better than planned.

"So, you're not mad?" Lou shot me an I-told-you-so look, and I just rolled my eyes.

"I mean, I guess not. This just means that I'll be thrown into the gossip and rumors that is the media." The way she said it, just made me want to kick myself even more than before.

"Aww, Hales.." I took her in my arms, setting my chin on her head.

"We can just cover it up in our next interview, okay? Only when you're ready is when we can announce that"-wait, announce what exactly? We weren't even boyfriend and girlfriend. She blushed and tucked some hair behind her ear. I noticed Louis roll his eyes.

"Uh...I'm just gonna leave you two alone and go wake up the other lads..." And he was gone. I gulped. Okay. This is awkward.  

Just to make it more awkward, I coughed.  

"I-uh, well, I mean-" god dammit Harry you are a complete dumbass. Halie looked up and smiled, giggling a little.

"You're really cute when you're embarrassed Haz." I smiled and rolled my eyes, tilting her chin up to meet my gaze.  

"Be mine?" I whispered softly, and she grinned, her cheeks turning pink.  

"Eh, I guess so." She laughed and I leaned down, pressing my lips to hers.  


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