~C h a p t e r 30~

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Just giving you a little warning that Harry and Halie get pretty heated :3


One of my favorite things is waking up with Harry by my side. He looked so cute when he slept, like he was a little kid again. I hated to have to wake him up, but I was hungry and wanted to do fun things today. And I want to hear his morning voice but that's beside the point.

I poked his cheek, and his eyelids fluttered. "Harry, wake up." He didn't make any move that he was waking up, so I lifted my leg over his hips so I was straddling him. I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his neck.

"What are you doing?'

"Waking you up, did it work?"

He pulled me down on top of him. "No," he mumbled in my hair. "I'm still sleeping." His voice was deep and husky due to lack of talking. I giggled.

"Clearly you're awake," I told him and I received nothing in response. "Harry I just want to do something today! I want to spend time with you and sleeping the day away isn't what I had in mind..." He sat up in bed and wrapped my legs around his torso. Leaning in, he pressed a small kiss on my lips.

"I'm sorry love. What do you want to do today?" I shrugged. To be honest I didn't really have anything specific in mind.

"I don't know, just as long as it involves you, I'm happy."

"You make me happy," He muttered, grinning and kissing me again.

"Let's go make breakfast, master chef," I suggested, unwrapping myself from him and hopping off my bed.

"Master chef?" He chuckled, entwining his hand with mine. "That's cute, I like that."

"Well you have cooking ability that you never told me about so I am calling you master chef." Harry laughed and shook his head.

"Okay, how about chocolate chip pancakes? That sounds so good right now."

So Harry and I made a huge batch of chocolate chip pancakes and called the rest of the lads to come over and help us eat them. Of course they tasted like heaven thanks to Mr. Styles, and to be honest he looked insanely hot with a spatula in his hand, flipping pancakes. I'd like to see that every morning when I woke up.

"You look like a pro," I commented, ruffling his perfect curly hair. He grinned cheekily at me, kissing my cheek.

"Sit down babe, eat some pancakes."

"Not until you do." He rolled his eyes and turned off the stove, taking the last batch of pancakes to the table, where four hungry guys stuffed their faces.

"Harry, your pancakes," Niall groaned, making everyone chuckle but comment in agreement.

Once everyone was finished with the pancakes, Louis sent Harry a wink and they all left with quick goodbyes, leaving me and Harry to clean up their mess.

"Well goodbye to you too Louis..." I muttered, and Harry only chuckled sheepishly, making me wonder what he had up his sleeve. He was next to me in a second, trapping me on the wall as he placed his hands on both sides of my head. He smirked down at me, kissing me tenderly. I kissed back just as passionate, the need for him becoming stronger as he continued kissing me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck, deepening the kiss. When his arms moved down to my bum, I gasped.

"Jump," He whispered on my lips, and I did, wrapping my legs around his torso. He walked us to my room and gently set me down on my bed, softly laying on top of me, never breaking the kiss. It seems like everything was on fire as he kissed me, and I was starting to get really hot. This is the farthest we've really come with kissing and I was enjoying every second of it, and I could tell Harry was as well. I slipped my fingers under Harry's thin t-shirt, tracing the lines of his abs and V line, to which he groaned softly at.

"Take it off," he mumbled, breaking away from my lips to leave kisses on my neck. I was surprised at his command, but definitely wasn't complaining as I lifted the thin material over his head. His toned chest scattered with tattoos was on full display. I tried not to ogle at it too much because I'm sure he would say something along the lines of-

"Do you like the view?" He asked smartly, smirking down at me. I only rolled my eyes at him, and he chuckled under his breath.

"I remember when I met you, and your skin was pale and blank with no tattoos," I commented, and he laughed again.

"Yeah, that was a long time ago and I rather not talk about it," He muttered embarrassed. "Now, are you just going to kill the mood or...?" I giggled and once again we were kissing.

"Why don't you want to talk about it?" I couldn't help but ask him. It was rather amusing.

"Well I was a little boy then, I was...weird looking." I laughed at his reasoning.

"Harry you were 16. And if I remember correctly I had a crush on you and your weird looks."

"Yeah, you really fancied me." I slapped him in his arm and laughed. "What? I'm only stating the truth." I rolled my eyes, laying my head on his chest. "Thanks for killing the moment by the way. I wasn't done you know." I squeaked when he flipped me over, and now he was hovering over me. His eyes held so much intensity and it made me want to kiss him all over again. Which I did.

When I felt his fingers trace my hips, I instantly knew he wanted to take my shirt off. He looked into my eyes as if to ask me if it was alright, and simply slipped it over my head. I've never been in a bra around anyone before, not even my mom, so you can imagine how insecure and ugly I feel.

"You're beautiful," Harry murmured on my lips as if he knew what I was thinking. If I could blush any darker right now I'd be surprised. I ignored the fact that my shirt was on the ground and kissed him, and I could feel him smirking in the kiss. Being brave I traced the elastic waistline of his tight black Calvin Kleins that were peeking out of his tight black pants. Almost instantly he moved his hand from my waist to unbutton his pants. Once they were thrown at some random part of my room, he went back to kissing me with full force. 

 I gasped a little when I could feel Harry's obvious hard on on my leg. And before I could realize what was happening, Harry detached himself from me. 

"Shit Hale, I'm sorry, did I-"

"Harry what are you talking about? You did nothing, I was just surprised okay? Now come back here." His eyes danced with amusement, but I could still sense some sort of hesitation behind them. 

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to," He murmured, placing his lips on mine again. I had some sort of feeling in me, that I needed to please Harry a little more. So my stupid mind got the best of me and I found myself slipping a hand beneath his Calvin Kleins. 

Harry hissed at my action, faltering on my lips as he gazed at me with wide eyes. "Halie, what are you-oh God..." My hand had a mind of it's own as it worked on Harry's length, sending him into a fit of gasps and grunts. A pleased smile etched itself on my lips, glad to know that I actually have this effect on him. I never in a million years thought I would be doing this, but Harry apparently brought out the actions I never knew I had. I kissed his open mouth, and he leaned his head back as he let out a groan of pleasure. I could tell he was about to break just by his pants and his groans. He looked me in the eyes, as if silently telling me that he was close, and just like that he finished in my hand and on his stomach. He came down from his high with heavy breaths, and it was silent except for Harry trying to control himself. 

"Halie..." He muttered, pulling his boxers back up and tackling me to the bed. He kissed me hard on the mouth, and I was surprised but kissed back just as passionate. "You...I-I'm speechless to be honest." He sheepishly smiled at me, and I just grinned up at him. 

"So I did good?"

He groaned, flopping down on me. "Yes, so much better than good."


"LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU HARRY!" Louis shouted with his fingers jammed in his ears, walking away from Harry who doubled over in laughter. I blushed crimson, and I couldn't meet the gazes of any of the guys now thanks to my boyfriend, who thought it would be a good idea to share what happened between us to his best friend. I swear he's going to get so much shit from me later. Louis through himself at me, wrapping his arms around me and fake sobbing into my neck. "Why Halie? Now he won't stop talking about it." My cheeks turned a darker shade of red, and I shot Harry a glare that I hoped would kill. Harry shot his hands up in defense. 

"He's an asshole Louis, don't listen to him." 

"So it's not true?!"Louis' wide eyes met mine, and I blushed harder, which I didn't think was possible. 

"Weeelll..." Louis sighed heavily, but patted my cheek. 

"I knew it would come some day, I just don't want to believe it."

Harry and his big mouth, I swear...


short and I am truly sorry, but I wanted to update before 2013 ended :3 Happy early new year everyone! I hope 2014 is better than ever! 

Stole My Heart [h.s]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें