~C h a p t e r 1~

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**Author's note at the end! Please read!**

3 years ago...


"Louis! Stop! Give it back!" I whined helplessly, jumping frantically up and down to grab my notebook from Louis' hand.

Louis William Tomlinson. Aka, my bestest friend in the whole world. Sure, he was a couple of years older than me, me being 16 and him being 18, but that didn't stop me from loving the boy to death. Being my neighbor for 12 years, we latched on like Velcro, so my mom says. She also says that we would be married one day. I just laugh in her face every time she mentions it. We are way too close. I'm not gonna lie, Louis is extremely good looking, I'd definitely fancy him if we weren't best friends. Mom was surprised that I don't fancy him at all like that.

Me and my mom live by ourselves in our large 2-story home in Doncaster, South Yorkshire England. After my dad's death when I was 7, we've been getting on fairly well, only reminiscing very rarely on the tragic, and worst time of my life. I thank Louis for helping my mom and I to get through it. My mom and I get along very well. We tell each other everything, almost like we were good mates.

Coming back to the present, I 'humphed' and plopped down in my bed. Damn him and his tallness. He plopped down next to me, laughing his stupid arse off. Setting the notebook on my lap, he turned to me.

"What's in there anyway? Your diary? I bet if I open to the first page, it would say 'Louis Tomlinson is the sexiest guy ever' all over the page." I laughed out loud at his comment. Sure, he looked cute in his grey jeans, red t shirt, and beanie and glasses with his scuffed up Toms, but if he ever found out that I wrote songs in this notebook, I would forever be mortified. Louis is that type of guy. One to humiliate me. The funny thing is, he loves music. And he is an amazing singer. I've always told him to follow his dreams to become a professional singer in the past, and now he's finally listening to me. In a few weeks actually, he's going to audition for the X Factor. Words can't explain how excited I am for him. He's making me go to his auditions with him, and if he makes it in, every other performance after that. I'm totally up for it.

As if he was reading my mind, he spoke up.

"So, are you excited for my auditions or WHAT?!" He shouted the last part, jumping off the bed and standing in front of me. I cracked up. He is the most funniest person I've ever met. He never fails to make me laugh.

"So excited! They're...next week?"

"Mhmm! Next week me and you will be heading towards my dreams." I awwed at that moment. How cute is he?

"Come on," He piped up, grabbing my hand. "Let's go get some carrots." I laughed again. Him and his obsession with carrots.

"Halie, can you tell me why these are so good?" Lou asked me as he popped a baby carrot into his mouth.

"Maybe because they help your sight," I suggested, shrugging my shoulders.

"WRONG! Cause they were made for me. Duh." Rolling my eyes, I took our glasses and put them in the sink, choosing to wash them later. We plopped down on the couch in the living room and Louis flipped on the telly, immediately finding and X Factor re-run. I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Don't you ever get tired of this?" I asked, scooting closer to his warm side. He chuckled, brushing my hair with his fingers.

"Of course not silly. I need to make sure that I know that basics and everything." We watched TV for quite a while, until it was nearly 11. My eyes fluttered closed and I tried so desperately to stay awake. Lou's body vibrated, telling me he was laughing. Picking me up bridal style, he carried me up to my room and set me down on my bed.

"Get some sleep and I'll pick you up tomorrow morning for school. Night sleepyhead." I grinned sleepily.

"Night best friend."


"Good morning sweet pea. It's nearly 7, time to get up for school." My mom came into my room with some toast and a glass of milk. Bless her. I smiled groggily and nibbled on my piece of toast. Taking a gulp of my milk, I jumped out of bed to take a shower. I quickly washed off and hopped out, drying my hair with a thick fluffy towel. Picking out a pair of denim shorts and my favorite Aztec print tank, I quickly changed and brushed through my hair. Throwing it up in a pony tail, I bounced downstairs and out the door to wait for Lou.

"You're gonna need this Hales, it's chilly." Leave it to my mom to worry about little things. She threw me my white Northface jacket as soon as Louis waves at me from across the street. I waved to my mom and jogged over to where Lou was standing.

"Come on Sugarplum, I need to get to school early to turn in a paper for Mr. Grum." We hopped in his car and blasted the radio.

"Halie looks pretty today," Lou piped up, filling in the comfy silence. Smiling, I glanced at him. He looked adorable as well, sporting some jeans and a t shirt with blue Toms and a grey beanie.

"Thanks Lou, so do you! Well, not pretty..but you know.." He grinned cheekily as we drove into the school parking. He slung his arm around my shoulder as we entered school, ready to take on Monday.


And the first chapter is UP!!! okay, so I apologize immensely for its cheeziness and shortage....I wrote this while back! Then shoved it somewhere in the back of my laptop...then found it today and was like, OMG I WANNA POST THIS FINALLY so here you go my lovelies, a Harry Styles story! Please vote and comment to get this story out there and going! The little vote button won't bite, I swear. Maybe tell a friend or 10! THAT WORKS TO YOUUU KNOOWW. 

Have a lovely day! 

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