17. Awkward encounters

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Damon sat on the lounge drinking a freshly poured bourbon contemplating the night before. Diana had not suspected anything, she thought Damon was happy and finally coming around to being blood thirsty vampires again. Little did she know. 

Stefan entered the house and joined Damon in the lounge room.

'Are you alright?' he asked cautiously 

'I'm fine brother, why wouldn't I be?' Damon replied

'I don't know' Stefan replied slyly heading to the bar to grab a drink 'another?' he asked Damon

'Nah' Damon replied 'thanks'

'Suit yourself' 

Damon headed up the stairs, an image stuck in his mind of the last time Elena was here, she seduced him and tried to convince him that Diana was bad. He blown her off telling her that it wasn't true. He stopped short and his ears picked up the noise of a phone calling, Diana was in her room and clearly calling someone. He stood very still and listened as hard as he could,

'Yes master' she replied 'I'm trying, I don't know where she is but I have another plan, a better plan. I won't let you down' She hung up and headed for her door, Damon moved with vampire speed into his bedroom and turned the shower on.

'Damon?' Diana called out cautiously into his room

Damon didn't replied, hopefully she would think he was in the shower the whole time, he heard Diana turn and leave, phew he thought. 

Damon didn't know what to do, what had he just overheard? Master? Who was Diana reporting to, it can't have been Katherine, and who was the person that she didn't know the whereabouts of? Katherine? What was this better plan? He had to find out. He desperately wanted to reach out for help, from Stefan? From Elena? He wanted to keep them both safe, Diana was his twin sister and his problem, he would sort it out himself.

Elena sat with Caroline and Bonnie at the Mystic Grill, they watched as Bonnie ate a burger and Elena told her it looked so good.

'Why don't we play some pool after? That'll be fun' Caroline said

'Sure' Elena agreed, she'd much rather be out looking for Damon, or calling him, anything to do with him but she smiled, she loved her friends, she really did but Damon... he was different.

They were into their second game of pool when Elena heard the sound of a familiar voice. She looked up to see Diana trying to chat up a boy at the bar. She froze. Elena hadn't seen Diana since the day in the cafeteria at college. She signalled Caroline and Bonnie with her eyes and they both froze as well. If she was here... where was Damon? As if on cue Damon strolled through the restaurant and grabbed Diana by the arm, he froze and then quickly whipped around staring straight into Elena's soul. Caroline and Bonnie inched closer to Elena and looped their arms through hers.

'Let's go' Damon grunted to Diana

'Why? I am just starting to have fun' Diana said turning to look at Damon, the three girls caught her eye 'oh' she replied 'I see' she looked down at Elena 'looks like someone forgot to take the trash out'

Elena stifled a scream and Damon's eyes flashed with... anger? Could that be right? Was he angry at what Diana had just said?

Damon yanked Diana hard on the arm and dragged her out of the restaurant, Elena couldn't resist and she ran after them, but they were gone.

'What was that about?' Caroline asked rushing after Elena

'Are you okay?' Bonnie questioned

'I'm going to kill her' Elena gritted.

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