23. End

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Damon and Elena stood outside the gate watching Diana pull into the long driveway. Someone stood outside the front door waiting for Diana, they had their arms crossed and a scowl on their face.

'Well, well, well Diana. You've finally arrived, do you have what the Master needs?' the person asked

Diana huffed as she got out the car, 'obviously Kyle or I wouldn't be here'

'I don't see anyone in the car' Kyle laughed

'They're in the trunk obviously!' Diana snapped slamming her car door

Damon looked over at Elena suspiciously who eyed him back with the same look. Diana opened her trunk and Elena gasped at the tied-up body inside, Katherine.

'Honestly' Damon started after a minute 'I think this situation is win-win'

Elena smacked him lightly on the arm and rolled her eyes 'I don't think we can let this happen'

'Elenaaa' Damon whined

'We still have to stop whatever this guy is doing, and your twin sister is still under some spell'

'You make a valid point' Damon sighed

Kyle made his way down to Diana to help her pull Katherine out of the car, once Diana saw Kyle helping, she dropped her side of Katherine and let her feet fall to the ground. Kyle rolled his eyes and started dragging Katherine towards the house.

'Come on' Damon said grabbing Elena around the waist and secretly jumping over the fence.

'You know I could have done that?' Elena questioned

Damon smirked 'yeah I know, but I'd rather hold onto you'

Damon and Elena snuck towards the house at vampire speed. 'Diana, you're finally here' a voice said from inside the house

Elena peeked through the window, inside was a tall man, he wore a long black coat and had dark hair to his shoulders. Diana bowed down to him and smiled sweetly, 'plans changed again, I am so sorry Master. I have brought you Katherine'

'It's fine' the Master replied blandly

Katherine struggled against the restraints and tried to scream under the rope in her mouth.

Damon stared through the window behind Elena and thought, how did Diana even capture Katherine and how were they going to get in and fix this mess.

'I think we need back up' Elena mouthed quietly

Damon nodded and reached into his pocket to pull out his phone, he sent a group text to Bonnie, Caroline, and Stefan. They texted back that they would be here soon, this meant Damon and Elena had to stall the people inside.

'Here goes nothing' Damon said

He kicked open the door and stared hard at the shocked faces in the room, Katherine's was the most shocked with a hint of relief on it.

'Hey everyone, what'd I miss?'

'Damon!' Diana hissed 'what on earth are you doing here? I left Elena alone now go!'

'You did' Damon agreed 'I just want my sister back'

'Get out!' The Master growled with a hard glare

Damon lunched forward and grabbed The Master around the neck yanking him to the ground, The Master pulled his head out and threw Damon across the room smashing the wall he landed on. Elena snuck into the house and snapped Kyle's neck, he fell to the ground with a thud and Diana looked up in surprise, 'excellent now I have two doppelgangers to give my master'

Double Trouble: The Salvatore Twins Damon and DianaWhere stories live. Discover now