21. Busted

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Elena awoke from her sleep to strong hands grabbing her around her waist, she immediately tried to struggle against the person that was now holding her against their chest. It was pitch black but luckily with her vampire eyesight she could make out the blue eyes of Damon.

'What...?' she whispered, 'what's going on?'

'Shh' he whispered back

Damon carried Elena hurriedly down the stairs of her college and to his car waiting in the car park. He carefully placed her in the passenger seat of his blue car and strapped her in, she gave him a dazed and sleepy look. He zoomed around to the driver's side and quickly sped off, Elena lurched to life and grabbed the dashboard.

'What's going on?' she squeaked 'where are you taking me?'

Damon drove out the car park and headed for the opposite direction to Mystic Falls, he had no plan, but he knew for a fact that he was not going to let Diana capture Elena and use her doppelgänger blood for some Master. He was so glad he had decided to follow Diana tonight, finally he had done something right, but how was he going to make all of this right?

'I need to tell you some things' he sighed 'I have not told anyone because I have been trying to keep you all safe, but it's clear that Diana is a lost cause and I need to protect you'

'Protect me?' Elena questioned 'from what? Diana? Because I can handle her snarky remarks'

'I followed Diana tonight, I heard her on the phone the other day talking to someone and calling them 'Master', I was kind of freaked out. I think Diana is under some control' Damon tried to explain

An odd sensation washed over Elena 'let me out, take me back, what are you doing?' she screamed

'What? Damon replied panicked 'what's going on?'

'I am not meant to be talking to you! I am not allowed to see you! Oh gosh, she'll be so mad' Elena said whispering the last line terrified

Damon swerved the car and pulled to the side of the road, 'what are you talking about? I know I said I needed some time but Elena you're still the one for me and right now I need to protect you'

Elena's eyes looked wide with fright, 'has Diana been to see you?' Damon asked

Elena nodded slowly but averted looking into Damon's eyes. He sighed and pulled out his phone, he dialled Bonnie's number, it rung and rung but no answer, instead of leaving a voice mail he swiped through his contacts to Caroline's number, she picked up on the second ring.

'It's late' she mumbled

'Is Bonnie there?' he questioned

'Of course, why wouldn't she be? She's asleep' Caroline replied sitting up to look at Bonnie's bed across from hers, her eyes wondered over to Elena's bed, and she froze. 'Elena's gone' she yelped

Bonnie jumped suddenly being awoken by Caroline's loud voice, 'what?' she murmured

'Elena is gone!' Caroline repeated

'Caroline!!!!' Elena squealed through the phone 'help!'

'Elena? Is she with you?' Caroline asked Damon

'Yes, it's a long story, either give the phone to Bonnie or put me on loudspeaker' Damon demanded

'Help!!!!' Elena called through the phone

'Shh Elena, you're fine' Damon hushed, he looked at her so softly wanting to comfort her, but she looked so scared of him. He frowned turning his attention back to his phone, 'Care?'

'Hold on' she grumbled putting him on loudspeaker 'what's going on? Is Elena okay?'

'Elena is, well being weird. Diana is out to get her, like capture her. So, I beat her to it, to protect Elena, but she went weird and said she's not allowed to talk or see me, she's freaking out to be honest' Damon explained

'That's odd' Caroline frowned 'I mean she was still pining over you yesterday'

'That kind of sounds like a spell' Bonnie wondered out loud

'Yes, that's why I was calling, could she be under a spell?' Damon questioned

'Sure, but by who?' Bonnie replied

Just then Damon heard a faint tap on his car window.

'Hey D' Diana smirked.

Double Trouble: The Salvatore Twins Damon and DianaWhere stories live. Discover now