In My Arms Safe And Sound

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    Next day Yunlan woke up seeing Shen Wei  is not beside him. He bolt up quickly just to see him and watching at the window.

    "They're  coming! And his coming!" Yunlan look puzzle on him. "Who?!" He ask. "Your father and Yezun!" Yunlan hugged  him tightly.  "They don't  know where here!" Shen Wei  face him, "Yezun knows his link to me! Every  creation you create  will always link to me like Zhu Hong, I must eliminate  him!" 

    Yunlan was shocked  hearing this, "No! I won't  let you confront him! He might hurt you?! You just got lucky you knock him first but I don't  know if the same trick will  work on him?! His the latest model than you and learning  everything fast! Wait  for my attorney . Chu already called him."

    Shen Wei  gazs at him with his beautiful, dark eyes, "No matter what happened  remember  I always love you!" And kiss his lips. After that they heard vehicles  came. Mr. Zhao and his men was the first to barge into Chu's backyard with Yezun behind.

    Chu and Guo tried to stop them by telling them they're trespassing  but Mr. Zhao ignored it and command his men to search all over the house to get his son, Da quing  and Shen Wei.  Yunlan tried to pull Shen Wei  to escape but he was stop by Yezun's stare.  It's  like telling him to fight to the finished.
    Yunlan and Da quing  fought  Mr. Zhao's men while Shen Wei  walk toward Yezun whose smirking. Mr. Zhao was about to fire a gun to Shen Wei.  "Stop! This is my fight!" As Yezun took the gun and throw it away. And walk toward Shen Wei.

    Shen Wei  swing his fist on him knocking Yezun. But he quickly got up in a second  and got a big rock thrown it to Shen Wei.  Shen Wei's  eyes turned black and crashed the rock that was thrown to him. Making everyone stop and look on the two strongest weapon that ever design.

     "Ah Lan is mine! And no one can get him!" As he saw a big thrunk and throw it Yezun. Yezun caught it easily and swing it back to him. Shen Wei  evade it but not poor Chu's car it was crashed by the trunk. "My car! I only bought it recently!" He shout  at the two fighters.  But Yezun just ignored him. Let's  see if I got rid of you Yunlan will only  see me!" He tried to swing his feet on Shen Wei's  face.

    Shen Wei  evade it again and suddenly  caught it. He smirk and twist Yezun's  legs and kick  him high.  He landed on the car of Mr. Zhao. As all thought that's  it over. He suddenly  stand  again and untwist his legs, "Not bad!" His hand suddenly  become a sword and about to struck Shen Wei.  

     "Wait! A second I didn't  invent a weapon on my experiment?!" Shout Yunlan. He suddenly  look at Da quing  who hide behind Guo. "How am I suppose to know he will use it to Shen Wei! It's  for defense in case someone  will harm you!" And sweat.

    That surprise  Shen Wei  as he tried to evade it but graze his arm.  But caught Yezun arms as he swing and throw him in the air. Shen Wei  jump and strike Yezun's  stomach with his fist as it went through and throw him away.

    It only stop a moment when Yezun open his dark eyes and stand again. "I'm getting irritated  on you!" As his stomach repaired  again and ran toward Shen Wei.  Shen Wei  braise himself as both fist collide with one another. Mr. Zhao and his men was thrown at the impact of it as well as Yunlan's  and the others. Especially Chu's wrecked car.

    Yezun and Shen Wei  tried to get each other wits but both  are strong and trying to out maneuver  one another. Until one of the stone almost hit Yunlan on the face. Yezun  block it off by his arms. "Are you alright my love?!" That made Shen Wei  furious and shoved Yezun as he was thrown hard on the wall almost  breaking it. "Don't  touch my Ah Lan!" Shout Shen Wei.

    Yezun stand up again, "His my love! Don't  ever say his yours!" And swiftly punched  Shen Wei  in the face. "Xiao Wei!!!" Yunlan scream. He suddenly  see the gun that Mr. Zhao's  dropped  and took it. As it aimed  to Yezun. "No one harm my Xiao Wei!!!" And fire the gun as it went through  Yezun's side head.

    "Ouch....!" As he furiously look at Yunlan. "I've done everything  for you! Still you never accept me!!!" The bullet suddenly gotten out of his head. He suddenly  gripped Yunlan's shirt. "How could you do this to me?!!! Can't  you love me just a little  bit! Just once! Forget about that man and only see me!"

   But he didn't  notice Shen Wei  have seen a piece of sharp metal and slice Yezun's  head.  Making all of them shocked. "No man or woman may touched  what is mine!" And confront Mr. Zhao whose now trembling in fear.
"Don't  come near me!" He tried to threaten him with a piece of stick.   But when Shen Wei  walk toward him. "Never show yourself to us ever again! Or I'll hunt you down!" He shout.

    Mr. Zhao run for his life with his men. Yunlan suddenly  catched Shen Wei  who almost faint in exhaustion.  "Are you alright?!" Shen Wei  just nod, but his side is been hurt by Yezun and now is bleeding.

   Yunlan got panic,  "Da quing! Hurry! We need to go to my laboratory to stop his wound! Hurry!"  They tried to find a car but Chu and Mr. Zhao is in  total wreck. Yunlan have no choice but to call a taxi to get to the laboratory.

    Luckily  when they came Mr. Zhao and his men have already abandoned  it. He laid Shen Wei  on the patient bed and get the things they needed to treat him. "Hang on there Xiao Wei  will gonna fix you!" He kiss his hand. "Ah Lan! Don't  leave me here!" Shen Wei became scared being alone in a clinic brings back bad memory when he died. "Xiao Wei! Don't  worry I won't  leave you!" But Shen Wei  vision is fading until he block out.

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