The Cold Truth

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    Next morning  Yunlan teach Shen Wei  to dance to his favorite  sweet music.

   Shen Wei  can't  help to giggle while Yunlan pressed  his body to him while swaying to the music. Shen Wei  feeling his in cloud nine. Yunlan love him so much. When suddenly  one of the maids knock.  When the maid entered the hall Zhu Hong came with her, wearing a pretty dress.

   Both men are shocked,  Yunlan about to go to her when Shen Wei  hold Yunlan tightly. He sense a treat with Zhu Hong. Zhu Hong also sense there something going on between the two men.

   "Sorry for the intrusion! My name is Zhu Hong! I want to thank the man that brought me to life!" She smiled while placing a piece of  hair behind her ears.
Yunlan ran toward him and pulled him away from the hall. Leaving Shen Wei  whose boiling in jealousy.

    Yunlan  scolded the maid and face Zhu Hong. "Who told you to come here?! Where's  your husband?!" He angrily  said. "I just want to thank you for bringing  back to life! Your  colleagues  said to me! So I came here!" Her smile change when Yunlan almost thrown her outside and called Zhuiji.

    "No! I don't  want to go back to him!" She tried to get out of his grip. "Sorry miss but your husband will be furious if he knows you came here!" Zhu Hong pleaded but Yunlan won't  listen to her.
Inside the house Shen Wei  watched the scene he gritted  his teeth and want to tear the woman apart called Zhu Hong for taking his Yunlan. His eyes almost go black.

    When Zhuiji came, Yunlan almost thrown Zhu Hong to him. "Sorry! She slipped!" Zhuiji apologized.  "No! Please! I don't  want to go back to him!" But Zhuiji pulled her to his car and left.

    When Yunlan came back, Shen Wei  look piss off. "WHOSE THAT WOMAN! WHO IS SHE?!!!" He scream at him. Yunlan notice his eyes turned  dark. He hugged  him quickly. Shen Wei  struggle from his hold and accidentally  slapped  Yunlan's face.

    His eyes became normal when he saw a small wound on Yunlan's  cheek. "Sorry Ah Lan!!!"  He wiped  it with his hand and kept apologizing.  "Look ! Xiao Wei! It's  alright!" Yunlan took a cotton and wipe the small wound with betadine and place a band aid on it.

    He was surprised  Shen Wei  is crying non stop. "Xiao.....Wei?" He cup his face. "I hurt you Ah Lan! I'm sorry!" Yunlan kiss both of  his wet cheeks. "Don't  worry it's  only a small wound! See?" And took Shen Wei's  hand and place at his face. "Look I'm alright!" Shen Wei  suddenly  kissed him hungrily making Yunlan a bit shocked.

    "Sorry Ah Lan I wont hurt you again! Forgive me!" He look at Yunlan's cute brown eyes.  Yunlan was so mesmerized  to Shen Wei's  teary eyes. You will get lost to his beauty. Shen Wei  sense he hold again his man. He smile and start kissing him again. "Make love to me!" He whispered  to his ears. Yunlan nod and kissed him again and carry Shen Wei  back to his room and close the door with his foot.

     Meanwhile  Zhuiji dragged  Zhu  Hong back to their house. "Why did you come there! Mr. Zhao didn't  like anyone coming to his house! Do you understand!" He shout.  "Is it because of that beautiful  man!" Her eyes became dark. Zhuiji never notice. "A beautiful  man?"

    He suddenly  laugh, "So that's  why Mr. Zhao never link to any beautiful woman? He likes men!" He laugh again. "The board members  surely will like to hear this and then that arrogant Yunlan will fear to come back to the company. He will be thrown out to be the CEO! I must get back there to get some evidence!" When he was about to leave. "Don't  do it!" She hold his arms tightly.

   Back to the love birds, when they finished  Yunlan drink his wine. Shen Wei  lean his head on his shoulder and embrace Yunlan. "Ah Lan....tell me whose  that woman?" While twirling his soft brown hair behind his ears. Making Yunlan giggle. "Xiao Wei! Stop that! That woman is nothing!" But still  Shen Wei  persist him on why that woman is telling him that he was his savior.

    "She is nothing to me Xiao Wei! And she's  already married! Don't  you see his husband came and took her away!" But inside Shen Wei feel she is a threat  and needed to be eliminated. 

    Meanwhile  Zhu Hong swing Zhuiji's  arms and pinned  him on the floor. "Ruine Yunlan and I will break your arm! Not only arm but both of your legs! Try me!" Zhuiji can't  believe  on what his hearing and how strong his wife is. "Whatta f-ck! Are you inlove with  him?!" He shout.  But Zhu Hong's eyes  became dark and almost  pulled Zhuiji's  arm. "Okay.....okay! Just don't  pull my arms off! I won't  ruin him!"

    That made Zhu Hong  let go of his arm. But Zhuiji took his gun and about to shot Zhu Hong when Zhu Hong  knock his gun off him. She hold him tightly on his neck and lift him up. "Don't  you dare!" Zhuiji pleaded with his life. Making Zhu Hong dropped him down. "Now remember  this! Where ever you go! I will be there guarding you if you ruined my Yunlan! I'll kill you!"

    Zhuiji just nod in response. "Now get out of my room!!!" Zhu Hong kick his husband out. And took Yunlan picture out of her pocket. "Soon Yunlan you and I will be together.....but first I have to get rid of that man!"

    While Yunlan was sleeping  Shen Wei  came to his library room. And took out some files. There he read what happened  to him and how he was revived.  He almost cried but he stop himself because Yunlan might heard him.

    When he continue to read, he was shocked  the woman who came at their house ealier is just like him. She died and live again with the help of his lover. "Ah Lan? Why did you done this? Playing god! " He went to a far corner and cried.

 "Ah Lan? Why did you done this? Playing god! " He went to a far corner and cried

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