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    Yunlan woke up panicking when he saw Shen Wei  is not on his bed. He called the servant to ask if they saw him.

    Meanwhile  Shen Wei  went to his tomb. He can't  believe  that his name is carved at the tomb stone. "This can't  be happening?!" He can't  help to cry but suddenly  he heard someone  approaching behind him.

   He hid in one of the trees to see Wang with a bouquet of flowers. "Your so cruel! Even death you never make me happy!" While she cried. "You took Sang away from me! Why?!!!" She suddenly  laugh. "To tell you the truth I don't  love you!" And spit on the grave and left.

     That made Shen Wei  broken hearted again. He felt something  breaking inside of him. He went to his house only to see its already occupied by another family. "Excuse me!" As he saw a passerby. "Do you know the Shen family? Where are they?" He ask.

    "Oh! Them? They live in a much bigger house now, they say his eldest adopted son have a huge amount of life insurance. When they got the money  they bought a much bigger house in the city!" Shen Wei  can't  believe  what his hearing, "Adopted? Me?" The man was confuse in his reaction. "Well yes? The poor boy work hard for them!

     But when he was killed, they took all his money and hurriedly  left him and bought a house." Shen Wei  want to scream in frustration, "Did they ever love me?"

    In an hour Yunlan is ready to go out to find Shen Wei  because it's  heavily  raining. Suddenly  Shen Wei  is at the door  dripping wet. "Xiao Wei!!!" Yunlan hugged  him tightly. "Where did you go?! I'm so worried about you!" While caressing his  drench hair. "Ah Lan  where did you recreat me?" He suddenly  ask.

    Making Yunlan break his hug. "Ah Lan! I want to know where did you made me?" Shen Wei ask again,  looking at him with stotic face. Yunlan about to divert his question when, "Please  Al Lan! I want to know!"

     Yunlan have no choice but to let Shen Wei  come to the laboratory to see where he made Shen Wei  revive. "What his doing here?!" Da quing  ask worriedly. "Do you think this is the right thing to do Dr. Zhao?!" Ask Lin Jing. "Really? The one who gave Zhu Hong my address?! " Yunlan frown. Lin Jing lower his head,"Sorry she threaten me!"

    Da quing  pulled Yunlan in a corner far away from Shen Wei's hearing.  Zhu Hong became strong when she got angry and almost wreck the lab!" Yunlan sigh, "Shen Wei  also! This is a problem!" Yunlan rubbed  his forehead. "I think she likes me? And Shen Wei  saw her too.  That  made Da quing  chuckled, "Your story is like "Frankenstein!" When he brought back his dead brother he killed the dead bride that he gave it to him because of pure jealousy!

    I hope Shen Wei  won't  kill Zhu Hong just like Frankenstein  kill his dead bride!" Da quing  stop laughing when he saw Yunlan serious face, "Xiao.....Wei  killed someone. His traitor friend Sang." That made Da quing  widen his eyes. "What?!!! Don't  tell me we created two monsters!!! We must warn Mr. Zhuiji!"

    Yunlan shake his head, "I think Zhuiji will know it! I already warn him the project have flaw and it's  still in testing process."  And look at Shen Wei.  " I  don't  want to loose him! He become precious  to me!" Da quing  knew Yunlan have fallen inlove with that beautiful  man ever since  he laid eyes on him. He pat his shoulder.

     But it warned to Shen Wei  that Da quing  is getting close to his lover. He quickly went beside Yunlan and cling to his arm. "Your a very possessive  guy aren't  you?" Da quing  ask. "No! I'm not! I just want my Ah Lan to be near to me!" And pulled Yunlan to his arms making Da quing  arched his brow. "Not possessive  eh?"

     "So do you have enough of the tour in my laboratory?" Yunlan ask. "Tell me? Why did you revive me anyway? I'm not related  to you or a friend? Actually  I'm just a stranger? Why did you got hook on me?" While he lean his head to his shoulder.  "Would you believe if I told you that I fell inlove with you at first sight?" That made Shen  stop and gaze at his lover. "Don't make a  joke!" As his cheeks blushed.

    Da quing  and Lin Jing hearing it just roll their eyes. Shen Wei  suddenly  giggle making Yunlan encouraged him to flirt with his lover more as much he love to see his teary eyes he also love to witness the blushing of Shen Wei's  cheek.

    "Beautiful!" While touching both of Shen Wei's  cheek. Shen Wei  can't  help to feel Yunlan's  hand caress his cheek. Making him feel his the most beautiful  being in the whole world. And just like that his worries disappeared.  Yunlan suddenly  pulled Shen Wei  to one of the guest room. "Ah Lan? What are we doing here?"

    He suddenly  laid Shen Wei  on bed and started  kissing him. "I can't  help it when you blushed  I want to eat you up!" Shen Wei  blushed  even more as Yunlan started licking and sucking his neck, "Ah Lan  not here! They might hear us!" Suddenly Yunlan pushed  a botton. "It's  a sound prof! Now no one can hear us!" While he jump at Shen Wei  onto the bed.

     In the office Mr. Zhao Xin ci is busy in reading some papers. When his spy appeared.  "Sir ! I followed your son and found out the laboratory and this man!" As he handed a picture of Shen Wei.  "This man he looks familiar? Where did I see him?" He suddenly  remembered  in the news a young man was killed by a robber in the street.

    "Oh! My god! If he revive a dead man it will be a revolutionary  for human kind, that they will never die! Well the one who can afford this treatment! My son is a genius! I got to meet him now!" As he called his men and went to the laboratory.


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