Honeymoon or Lots Of Trouble

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     It's  been few days Shen Wei  and Yunlan been hiding, Yunlan can't  sleep and eat. And he always at the phone talking to his lawyer.

    He can't  go back, if he did he must handed  Shen Wei  to his father. And that he'll never do. Yunlan suddenly  sat on the couch and rubbing his forehead when he unexpectedly  fall asleep. Shen Wei  on the other hand is making breakfast. Like a good  wife he bought the tray of love to his husband to be.

    But he frown when he saw him sleeping on the couch. He put the tray aside and watch his future husband to sleep.  Yunlan is a bit of haggard in this day he forgot to shave and his still in his old clothes. Shen Wei caress his face, "Don't  worry everything is gonna be fine." And kiss his head. He put a little  paper beside his breakfast table. And sneakly went out.

    When he walk toward the village his eyes became dark and his image suddenly  change. No one seem to suspect anything nor recognize  him.

    In the house when Yunlan wake up he suddenly  panic Shen Wei  had gone missing, he didn't  see the message that was dropped  on the floor when he shoved it accidentally

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    In the house when Yunlan wake up he suddenly  panic Shen Wei  had gone missing, he didn't  see the message that was dropped  on the floor when he shoved it accidentally.  He drove to the village to find him. And accidentally  bumped to his father's  men.

    "Hey! It's  Mr. Zhao get him" Shout one of the  guy.  Yunlan forgot his gun and ran fast away from the men. When suddenly  he was cornered into a dead end. He have no choice but to fight them as he swing his fist to them.  But the men hold him tight, "Hey! Don't get rough on him, that's  our boss son!" Said one of the men. Yunlan kick them and almost ran away.

    When one of them hit him at the back but before Yunlan blocked out. He heard one of the men scream. "It's  him!" And block off.  He woke up, Shen Wei  was carrying him. "Xiao Wei!!! I thought I lost you!" And hugged  Shen Wei  tightly.

    "Ah Lan! I gave you a message that I'm just gonna buy some food in the village?! Why your here and your father's  men almost caught you!" As he place him inside the car and drive away. "What?! How do you know how to drive cars?! No matter! I didn't  see your message! I got a bit worried! And tried to find you." Said Yunlan


     When Yunlan block out Shen Wei fought the five men with his speed and strong fist bringing the  men to its knee and knockout.


     When they came back to the house, Shen Wei  gave some new clothes to Yunlan, "Here take a bath! "  Yunlan look puzzle but nod in returned  and went to take a bath. Shen Wei  on the other hand cook some lunches for them.

    Unknown to them someone followed them and called his boss. "Yes! Mr. Zhao! It's  in a small cottage in the middle of the forest."

    In the other line Xin ci was a bit surprised  where Yunlan had run away too.  It's the same cottage where they always come when they gone fishing when his wife is still alive. "Very clever, who ever thought you brought him to our favorite place,  you are indeed my son!"  Said Xin ci. "Sir what do you want to do with them?" Ask the man.

    "Just watch them until I come there!" As he end the call. Meanwhile  when Yunlan finished  his bath and putting on the new clothes.  He suddenly  smell something  delicious  in the kitchen. It remind him of his mother's  cooking.  He hurriedly  went to the kitchen without putting his shirt  on and enveloped  Shen Wei  in his embrace.

    "Ah Lan?!" Shen Wei  almost drop the pot. "What do you think your doing?!" Shen Wei  blushed  when Yunlan suddenly  smelled and kiss him on the neck, while pressing his bare chest onto him. He smelled soap, vanilla with the mix of his masculine  scent. Making Shen Wei's  heart giddy in delight."Stop it!" Shen Wei  face him and cling his arms to his neck.

    "Your making me loose my concentration in my cooking!" He pout. Yunlan gave him rain of kisses and close the stove. "How can I stop when you smell delicious!" While kissing his jaw, neck and pink, soft lips. But while they're  kissing Shen Wei  notice someone looking at them at the window.

    He broke the kiss, "Wait here for a second! I'll bring you some drinks!" But Yunlan won't  let him go. "Ah....Lan! I need to get it in the car! And put some clothes on!" Yunlan pout, "No! I'll won't let you go!" Shen Wei  suddenly  whispered  something in his ears. That made Yunlan widen his eyes. Shen Wei  on the other hand blushed.

    Yunlan let him go immediately,  "I'll wait for you upstairs!" And ran fast to their room. Shen Wei  smiling face change as he went outside to welcome the intruder.

    Yunlan on the other hand quickly took off his remaining clothes and ready himself to bed. He prepared  the bed, towels and drinks. While he pose seductively while waiting for Shen Wei on their bed.

    Shen Wei  on the other hand punched the intruder, made him unconscious  and tied him up. He suddenly  took the man's cellphone  the dial the caller. "Why did you call again?! I told you to wait for me there! Will be coming! Better let them stay there for a few minutes so we can catch them!" Shen Wei  change his voice. "Is this Mr. Zhao?!" He ask.

     "Yes! Your boss you idiot! Guard them! And wait for us! Understand?!" He shout as he ended the call. "Shoot! We must leave right now!" Said Shen Wei  and quickly went upstairs to warn Yunlan just to see a pretty sight.

    "Xiao.....Wei! Come here! Baby! Come to your Ah Lan!" While Yunlan pat on his bedside. Shen Wei  sweat and told him the bad news that they have to leave. "What?!" Yunlan quickly wear back his clothes and took somethings they need when they heard a cars screech outside.



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