A Price In Your Heart

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     While Yunlan was sleeping he didn't  notice Shen Wei  gazing at him head to foot.

     While Yunlan was sleeping he didn't  notice Shen Wei  gazing at him head to foot

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    "Ah Lan build is much larger than me!" He said to himself. But when he look down he can't  stop giggling.  When he got an idea. He took the lubricant  and place it an amount  on his prize. He suddenly lean to Yunlan and thrusted his prize to Yunlan's  hole who yelp in surprise.

    "Xiao Wei  no!!!" He hiss in pain. "Ah Lan! Don't  worry I'll make it slow." Yunlan tried to remove himself but Shen Wei  won't  let him and hold his waist tightly.  "Your hole is so warm Ah Lan!" And hit his soft spot again  and again. Yunlan tried to surpress his moan but can't  as that friction of Shen Wei  hit it at the right spot. Yunlan can't  help to scream his name and burst on the  bed. Shen Wei  with  one more thrust spilled  inside of him.

    Meanwhile  Xin ci came to the laboratory  startling the team of Yunlan. "Sir you can't  come in!" Said Lin Jing. Mr. Zhao called his men to take off Lin Jing blocking his way.

    Da quing  on the other hand hurriedly knock on Yunlan's  door. "This is an emergency! Your father is here!" He kept knocking. Making Yunlan and Shen Wei  wear their clothes again. Yunlan let Shen Wei  wear a lab clothes and a glasses to protect him from his father. When he open the door, "Da quing! Take care of Shen Wei  for a while!"

    Luckily  the laboratory of Yunlan is huge  with many rooms. Da quing  pulled the unwilling  Shen Wei  out of the laboratory and drive fast toward  Da quing's  house. Yunlan now face his father's eager face. When he saw the file of Zhu Hong. "There's  another one?!" When he was about to read it Yunlan snatched it from him.

   "What  do you want?!" Yunlan ask in irritation. "Is that how you great your father?!" Xin ci angrily  said and tried to take the file in the hand of Yunlan. Luckily  Yunlan have also many bodyguards and block Mr. Shen and his men. "Why don't  we talk outside if your not comfortable here?"

    In the house of Da quing,  "Feel at home here!  Well it's  only a small house and very messy. But its my home!" Said Da quing.  "Why is Ah Lan hiding me from his father?" Shen Wei  ask. "Their relationship  is quite difficult! Mr. Zhao is a good provider but alien to his son. In the case of business he  gets what he want even if forcing his son. And your that item! Mr. Zhao will force Yunlan to have you market to the highest  bidder. Yunlan won't  have it! Because you know, your very precious  to him!" That made Shen Wei  blushed.

    In Yunlan case, Xin ci gave the pictures of Shen Wei  to his son. "I've heard you have a relationship with a dead guy! A dead guy! Are you out of your mind?!" Shout Xin ci. "Why do you care?" Yunlan doing his stotic face on him. "Your my son! My only child! Do you want your mother wake up in her grave! For what are you doing?!"

    Yunlan smirk, "Stop with your fake concern! I won't  hand Shen Wei  to you!" When he was about to leave, "So Shen Wei  his name eh? What about that Zhu Hong girl! Just give me the file and I will leave! You never know what  your missing! If we present this to the world our country will be known, you will be known and we will be the richest among the rich! Don't  you want the Zhao family to be known in the whole world?!" He ask.

    "No!" Yunlan about to leave. "Think about it? You know what will I do if you never give it!" Yunlan just left and about to go back to his car when Zhu Hong came. "Mr. Zhao your here!" Yunlan was shocked and pulled her into his car. "What  are you doing here?!"  He worriedly  said.

    "Oh! I just bought something  for my husband! And see you here!" She smile sweetly  to her. "Don't  lie!" And called Zhuiji.  But suddenly  Zhu Hong  pierce and injection on his neck and he fell unconcious.

    In Yunlan laboratory  Zhuiji came to warn Yunlan about his wife. Lin Jing called Da quing  that Yunlan is endanger. "What do you mean you can't  reach his number!" Upon hearing it Shen Wei  want to help find his lover.
"I can't  believe  this happening?! His father and now Zhu Hong! We got to find him quickly!" As they went to Da quing's  car and drive away.

   That time Zhu Hong laid Yunlan to a deserted park on her lap. "Yunlan! You know the papers came! I'm gonna divorce Zhuiji for doing that terrible  things to me! After that we can get marry!" While caressing his face.

    That time a couple was also dating there the classmates of Yunlan once Chu with his lover Guo. "Hey! Guo look isn't  that Yunlan?" Said Chu. "Why not let's  greet him!" Guo happily  said. When they approached  Zhu Hong and the sleeping Yunlan. "Look here! I thought you don't  like humans and now your dating a beautiful  woman!" Shout Chu.

    Zhu Hong was startled, "Who are you?! Are you taking my Yunlan away!!!" Her eyes became black. Chu and Guo was shocked. "No!" Then Chu notice Yunlan is not weaking up. "Guo! Get help!" Guo shake his head, "No! I'm not leaving you!"  Suddenly  he took his gun out, "I'm a police miss! What have you done to Mr. Zhao!"

    That time Shen Wei  lead Da quing  to a secluded park. "What are we doing here?!" Ask Da quing.  "I can feel her! She's  here!" Da quing  look puzzle at him. When they  heard a gun shot.  Shen Wei  and Da quing hurriedly run toward it. They saw a man who sit in shock while the other man is being held up at his neck by a woman. And there Yunlan lying unconcious.

    Shen Wei  run toward them, Zhu Hong seeing him. Throw Chu away  and her attention now is to Shen Wei.

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