A Drunken Night

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    In a moment  Guo trying to find Shen Wei  and Yunlan in the party. They didn't  know Yunlan pulled Shen Wei  into a deserted room.

    Both a little  drunk and started to kiss one another. "Ah Lan! Do you think they might see us here?" Yunlan whose busy kissing his neck and taking off his suite and tied. Just humm to Shen Wei and continue to press his awaken prize to Shen Wei. Whose giggling non stop.

    "I love you my angel! Mmmmph!" And took off his suite and tie, proceeding  to take off his polo shirt. "Aaaaah......Lan...." Shen Wei  moan while his hands brushing to Yunlan's  soft hair. As he felt Yunlan is already captured his pink nipples while the other the other hand of Yunlan is playing with the other. Yunlan suck and lick it. He can't  help to graze it with his teeth. While his other hand had completely  unzip Shen Wei's pants with his boxers. And now stroking it non stop.

     Shen Wei  tried to supress his moan by bitting his lips

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     Shen Wei  tried to supress his moan by bitting his lips. But Yunlan suddenly  descended to his prize and ate him whole. Shen Wei  can't  suppress  his moan as he burst inside Yunlan's  mouth. "Ah....Lan!" He cried.

    Meanwhile one of the high rank officials want to meet Zhao Yunlan, "Did you find him?" Ask Chu.  He was met by his fiance whose so red. "I think they're  busy at the moment  in that room." Chu look puzzled on him and about to walk there. "Don't!" Guo blocked  him.

     While in the room Shen Wei  was turned and bend by Yunlan and rock his body unto him. "Ah....Lan...... more!!!" Shen Wei  scream. Luckily the music is so loud while many people  is chatting  to hear what's  happening  in the room. As Yunlan thrusted in and out to Shen Wei's  lovely hole. Until he burst inside of him. "Aaaaah.....Wei!!!" Yunlan phase become faster as he hit that soft spot again  and again. Making Shen Wei  moan and gripped  the table tightly. His the first one to spilled  while Yunlan followed in a minute.

    Yunlan clean them up with his handkerchief  and put it to the bin. "I'm exhausted Ah Lan.... how can we walk out from here!" Shen Wei  cling his arms to Yunlan's  neck. While Yunlan helping him to wear his clothes back. "Don't  worry! I'll lift you up like a blushing bride!" Both drunk men laugh. "That's  what you want right?" And start kissing him again.

    Next morning,  both are shocked  they're  someone else bed and was greeted by Guo and Chu.  What happened  to us? Why were here?" They ask. "Your lucky were the only one who see you wasted in that room. So we brought you in our room!" Said Chu with a smirk. Guo on the other hand tried not to laugh. While Yunlan was a little  bit shocked  and Shen Wei  went red in embarrassment.

    They're  happy moment  suddenly  break when Yunlan's  phone ring, Da quing  was panicking, "Your father! Come  here quickly! His taking every research we have!!!" Yunlan quickly close the phone.

    In a minute they're  all at the laboratory, the men of his father is taking away his things. "What is the meaning of this?! This are all my stuff!" Yunlan shout. "Not anymore!" His father confronted him. And gave him a paper that the company own all of his things in his laboratory.  Seeing Shen  Wei  Xin ci smirk, "Take that man his one of the experiment!" His men almost got him when Yunlan block them.

    And took his gun out of his pocket, "Make one move and I'll kill anyone who touch  my boyfriend!" All of them are shocked including his father who was furious in hearing that. Shen Wei  on the other hand was happy Yunlan acknowledge him as his boyfriend. "Are you out of your mind!" Shout Xin ci. Yunlan took the key of Chu's car  and speed away.

    "Ah Lan! Where we going? " Shen Wei  ask. "I don't  know but maybe we could go in my safe place where my father never knew!" They're  car suddenly  turned left out of the highway and into the woods. And Yunlan went straight to a nearby small cottage.

    Where the river is nearby. "Is this a dream?! Ah Lan  is eloping with me!" Shen Wei  almost into tears. When suddenly  Yunlan is cursing and yelling at his attorney on what's  happening. Suddenly  he change when he notice Shen Wei  looking at him.

    "Xiao Wei! I'm sorry I didn't  mean to curse infront of you." He kisses his hands. "It's  okay Ah Lan I know its kinda frustrating." And he kiss back Yunlan as well on the cheek.

    The cottage is a little  bit old and small but to Shen Wei  it is comfy home for the two of them. He hugged  Yunlan whose a bit of stress. Making him smile again. "What will I do without you!" Said Yunlan and lift him up like a bride making Shen Wei  giggle.  "This will be our home for a moment! Until my lawyer taken care of everything!

    I don't  want my father experiment something in you!" Said Yunlan as he took him in their new house.

    Xin ci on the other hand kept calling his men to find his son and the walking experiment name Shen Wei.  His bp almost sky rocket high because his men can't  find them.

    Chu and Guo help Da quing  and Lin Jing escape from the clutches  of Mr. Zhao. "Where did you think the two hide?" Ask Chu to the two who are also clueless to their where abouts. "I knew Yunlan have a secret hideaway but he didn't  tell me where?" Said Da quing.  "I hope they will be fine?" Guo ask. "If I knew Yunlan his having a long vacation with his lovely Shen Wei. " Smirk Lin Jing.

    "But we got to find them before his father! Or there will be big trouble for the two of them!" As Chu drive them to their house with the car of Da quing.


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