His Mine

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     Shen Wei  woke up, hearing Yunlan screaming and cursing at his phone. Whose ever is  in the other line, his ears maybe deaf from now.

    "Ah....Lan..." Shen Wei  gently called making Yunlan change his frowning face. "I call you later! And better be prepared!" And slam the phone. Making Shen Wei  startled. Yunlan apologize for his outburst and embrace  Shen Wei  tightly in his arms.

    Shen Wei  sweet scent and fragile, soft body making Yunlan forget his worries and cocoon to Shen Wei's  presence. "I love you Xiao  Wei! I won't  let anyone take you away. I will kill anyone who  will take you away from me!" He squeeze Shen Wei hard. "Ah Lan  it hurts!" Yunlan apologized  and let go of Shen Wei.

    Shen Wei  wipe his tears by his fingers, "I will do that too if someone will take you away from me Ah Lan! You made me live again  and forget my broken pass. While caressing his face. "I WON'T LET THEM HAVE YOU!" Looking straight to a shocked Yunlan. "His beautiful eyes! It suddenly got dark, scary and cold all of the  sudden!" Yunlan said to himself. He embrace and rubbed  Shen Wei's  back calming the dark eyes beauty. He don't  want to loose him.

    In a few hours in the office of Zhao Yunlan's  Enterprise.  While Zhao  Yunlan discussing his business, suddenly  his father came with his men. "Can you all leave us for  a while!" All of the members of their council left immediately  for they don't  want to see two superiors  fighting one another.

    "What do I  hear your experiment was a success  but you didn't  inform me! Your partner  and your father!" And pound on the table. At the end of the table Yunlan also raise his voice, "Business  is what  were sharing not my scientific discoveries! It's  personal! And I  don't  want to make a profit out of it!" As he was about to leave . Xin ci caught his arm.

    "And why not! If it's  a success  we can profit for our business! And expand it! Don't  you want to be one  of the important men in the history?!" Yunlan glared at him. "No!" But Xin ci still hold his arm. "I've heard you have an attachment  in your experiment! As a father I'm worried  about you! Your my only  son!" But Yunlan took his arms again. "Ha! In all this years you finally notice me!" As he left and not looking back. "Sh-t! Who told him?!" He inwardly said to himself.

    When  he came to his room, "Mr. Zhuiji is waiting for him. His one of the board members and heard the experiment  Yunlan was doing. "I'll give you anything you want! Name your price! I just want my wife back Zhu Hong! Please!!!" Zhuji fall on his knees and begged. First Yunlan denies it but as he look at man he felt pity.

   He knows how to loose someone special and that's  his mother. "But the experiment  is not yet complete. It still have holes to patch things up! And....." Zhuiji cut him off, "Anything! Just give me back my sweet wife!" He cried, kneeling. "She's  dying of a cancer please  cured her!" And clutches his suit, making Yunlan nod in reply. "But we need her dead before doing the experiment.  "Are you willing to wait?" Zhuiji nod quickly.

     Yunlan came late at home because he visited his team as they have another work to do leaving Shen Wei  with the maids only. He flung himself to Yunlan's  embrace. "I miss you!" Yunlan carried him to their room.

    "So my big baby! What did you do in this day?" Yunlan about to laid him on bed but Shen Wei  wont let go off him. Both fall on bed laughing. As Yunlan let Shen Wei  fall on top of him. "I miss you too very!" And kiss his head. Shen Wei  replied  him with a kiss on the lips, "Then don't  leave! It's  very lonely here!" He whined.

    "Xiao Wei ! If I always stay here I might get you pregnant!" As he tease him. "Then make me! But I don't  want you to leave!" Said Shen Wei  whose blushing furiously. "Your such a tease Xiao Wei! I might eat you up!" He jokingly said. But the next thing surprise  him. He suddenly  took off his clothes and hovered into Yunlan.

    Yunlan eyes almost pop out when Shen Wei  unzip his pants and thrusted his hole  unto his prize. While moaning seductively  to him. "AH ....AH....LAN...." Shen Wei  ridding him non stop making Yunlan growl and suddenly  hold his thin waist and thrusted  to him more. Making Shen Wei  scream as he burst on him while Yunlan followed  in a minute.

    Yunlan flipped  their position making Shen Wei  arched his body beneath  him. "Ah....Lan  slow down!" But his phase become faster. Making Shen Wei's  eyes darken, "Yes....yes.... I want more!" He scream as Yunlan burst inside  of him. He follows in a minute.

    In Zhuiji house Zhu Hong died, "No!!! My wife!!!!" He suddenly  remembered  Yunlan. "Call Mr. Zhao quickly!" He command  her servant.

    That time both the loving couple is sleeping on their bed. Shen Wei  is the first to wake up looking at his lover lovingly  and twirling his soft, brown hair. "I won't  give you up at anything!" And kiss his plump lips stiring Yunlan to wake up and smile.

    But suddenly  his phone ring. When he look whose calling. He was shock it was Zhuji he quickly took the call. Leaving Shen Wei  on the bed. "Whose that Mr.  Zhuiji?" Something boils inside of him. "His taking away  Yunlan from him.

    While Yunlan was talking on the phone, Shen Wei  cling to his waist. "Xiao Wei! Wait I'm at the phone!" But still Shen Wei  kissing him on the lips and snuggling to his hold. Yunlan can't  help to be diverted and giggle on the kiss as he hurriedly  close the phone. To lift his lover who wants all his attention  only to him.

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