A Little Wish

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     Chu and Guo came to the house of Yunlan to visit  him. Only to be surprise  by seeing Shen Wei  is alive.

    "How?!" Chu and Guo almost pop they're  eyes off.  "Please! Don't  tell people on what you see." Said Yunlan while holding Shen Wei  in his arms. "Sure!" Both of them said.

    Yunlan invite them to dinner. While they're  eating Guo break the silent moment  questioning where Yunlan met him? When does he realize he love him? Shen blushed  like a tomatoe making Guo giggle while Chu shocked. "You know when were young we use to call Yunlan ice prince! Because no one can make him smile! And his always a loner so no one like him!"

    Guo hit him on the shoulder, "Don't  say that infront of Shen Wei.  "Don't  worry Guo I too don't  have many friends too when I'm in highschool. I don't  like much people." Looking at Yunlan lovingly. "Oh! My gosh! If only  you two knew one another when were highschool maybe our ice prince will not be lonely!" Said Chu. "Hey! I'm not lonely! Many girls like me because I'm handsome, rich and smart!" Yunlan defend himself.

     "Yeah....yeah your right!" Said Chu as both of them laugh. "Hey! Why you two come to my engagement  party!" Said Guo. "Really?! Are you two engage?! Congratulation!" Said Shen Wei.  While Yunlan toss them for a good life together. And promise they will come to the party.

    In an hour while Yunlan and Chu talk about the good old days. Guo tell Shen Wei  what they'll  do after marriage. Having a family adopting a baby to build a solid family life. Suddenly  Shen Wei  look at Yunlan and also dream of having that same dream like Guo.

 Suddenly  Shen Wei  look at Yunlan and also dream of having that same dream like Guo

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    Having a small family with a little  boy or girl as their child. And living happily  with nothing to worry. "Will Ah Lan  give me a ring like Chu gave to Guo? Would he be happy to marry me?!" Many question running at Shen Wei's  brain. Forgetting  Guo is with him.

 Forgetting  Guo is with him

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    Guo suddenly  click his hand infront of Shen Wei  to remind him his infront of him

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    Guo suddenly  click his hand infront of Shen Wei  to remind him his infront of him. "Are you alright?!" He ask. "Why yes? When did Chu propose to you?" Ask Shen Wei.

    Meanwhile  Chu talk to Yunlan about a serious  of question, "What the future hold to them? What his plan about Shen Wei  if he gone berserk  like Zhu Hong?" Many question running in the mind of Chu as well because his concerned  about Yunlan. "Don't  worry about us. We have a plan how to restrained  Shen Wei's  anger."

    Chu arch his brow, "Do you? If you have that's  good news if not..... Look I don't  want to engage to Shen Wei  in a shoot out if he endanger other lives....your lives!" Chu pointed to his heart. Yunlan just laugh  a little  and drink his wine. "That won't  happen!"

     When the two left the house, Shen Wei  suddenly  clinging  to Yunlan "What is it my cute Xiao Wei?!" Looking to that beautiful,  deep dark eyes of his lover. "I want to get married Ah Lan! And I want to have a child! Pregnant me Ah Lan!" While pouting. Yunlan almost spit his drinks. "What?! Why?!!! Where happy like this?! Why the sudden change?!" He ask.

    Shen Wei  sulk a little,  "Look at Guo and Chu they're happy and building a family! I want to be happy too! That's  my previous dream having a simple family. When I come home from work my wife will be waiting for me and my child! But as what happened  to me and what situation I am now? I'll be the wife now and get pregnant! Can I Ah Lan?"

     Yunlan sweat and tried to avoid the subject but Shen Wei  nagged him endlessly  that day.

    When the engagement  came, Yunlan and Shen Wei came and  are  the star of the show in the party. Since  Yunlan is the famous  billionaire  tycoon. Many women and men flock  at him. While Shen Wei  tried to guard his man.

     Guo on the other hand pulled Shen Wei  to meet his friends and relatives. While Chu introduced Yunlan to his boss and other officers. "So the famous billionaire  bachelor  have also a lover? " Said Chief Ying as he saw how clinging  the youngman at Yunlan.

    "Ah! Yes he is!" While drinking a wine. "Where did you find such energetic boy? My Chu here found his Guo in the precinct." Yunlan smile, "His an angel he just one day fell on my lap!" Both men laugh.

    While Shen Wei  was the star of Guo's friends Sha Ya, Li Quian and Ming. "Your so lucky  you captured the heart of the famous and rich  bachelor  Zhao Yunlan! Many women and men try to flirt with him but fail! How did you do that?!" Ask Sha Ya. "Would you believe he reseruct my broken heart!" Said Shen Wei.  All laugh and giggle. "I know! You enchant him with your beauty!" Said Ming.

     When suddenly  the father of Chu called Chu and Guo to the stage. Shen Wei  excuse himself to find Yunlan. And stroll to his side. "Having fun?" Ask Yunlan. "Yes! Guo introduce me to his friends. As he interwind his fingers to Yunlan. "Look how happy they are!" With a sparkle in his eyes. Watching the two newly engage shyly told the audience  on how they met. Guo was so red and happy when he show his ring to the audience.  Everybody cheered and clapped.

    Yunlan suddenly  notice Shen Wei  tears as he clenched his fingers to him. "What's  the matter?" Yunlan ask. "Nothing! I'm just happy for the two." While wiping  his tears of happiness.  When suddenly  he saw a familiar  face it was Wang dating one of the officers. He quickly hide from Yunlan's  back.

    "We better leave! My ex girlfriend  Wang is here! Hurry!" Said Shen Wei. Yunlan excuse himself from the Chief of Chu and about to leave with Shen Wei. When the slow music start and all people gather to dance. Yunlan and Shen Wei  was swept by the people to dance in the middle of the crowd.

    Yunlan on the other hand covered Shen Wei  with his body. So no one will see his face. Shen Wei  whose panicking a moment  ago. Suddenly  relax in Yunlan embrace, close his eyes and lean his head  on Yunlan's  broad shoulder. "Are you okay now? I see that woman left now with that officer." Said Yunlan. But Shen Wei  still didn't  talk and just relax to Yunlan embrace while holding into his suite. Yunlan smile and kiss his head while swaying to sound of the music. "No matter what happen I'll take care of you." As they continue to dance and lost in the crowd of people.


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