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"BONNIE, we're going on a run today, gotta go grab some things for the generator."

Bonnie nodded as she sat outside, eating a bowl of porridge.

"What time are we meeting?" She asked Noah "Noon, roughly." Bonnie nodded and spooned some more of the food into her mouth "Cool," she swallowed "I'll be ready."

Noah nodded before he waved a goodbye and walked away.

"I'm goin' with Aaron today, see if we can find some people to bring back." Daryl spoke from beside Bonnie, cleaning and prepping his crossbow.

"I might be a couple o' days." He told her as she finished eating the bowl of porridge, holding the empty bowl in her hands and she nodded.

"When are you leaving?" Bonnie asked, turning to look at him and he quickly replied "Soon." Bonnie frowned and stood up, quickly taking her bowl inside before coming back outside.

Daryl was now stood, leaning against the stair railing "Be safe." She told him, walking closer and letting a hand rest at the nape of his neck "I should say that to you." He responded, looking up at her from his step lower and she smiled.

"I'll be fine, promise." Bonnie whispered, leaning forward and kissing him softly.

Daryl kissed back momentarily before pulling away "See you soon." She told him as he made his way down the stairs and waved to her, before walking off.

Bonnie sighed and walked back inside once she could no longer see Daryl and turned the record player on, she picked up a Bruce Springsteen record and played it, before turning and cleaning the house.

The blonde tied her hair back in a small ponytail and began washing the dirty dishes.

After washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen, Bonnie walked over and turned off the record player with a sigh.

"Knock, knock!"

Bonnie walked over to the front door as it closed behind Glenn, Noah and Tara "Hey guys." Bonnie smiled and hugged each of them tightly.

"We gotta meet Aiden at the armoury, stock up on supplies before we leave, Eugene is coming too." Tara told Bonnie and the blonde sighed.

"Lets hope that nothing goes wrong today." Bonnie leaned against the bench as the trio nodded in response "Let me go grab my knives, if you want I'll meet you guys down there?"

Glenn nodded "It's ok, we can wait." Bonnie sent him a grin before she ran upstairs and collected her holster and knives, along with a jacket and pack, before running back downstairs.

"Alright let's go." Glenn called and the four left the house, and made their way over to Aiden and Nicholas, who were stocking up a van to take with them.

The four began stocking up the van, as Deanna and her husband walked over to bid farewell to their son.

"What were you talking to Holly about last night?" Bonnie heard Tara ask Noah and the blonde grinned "You were talking to a girl?" Bonnie asked, nudging him playfully.

"Why do you ask?" He smirked and Tara shrugged as Bonnie laughed "It's just a simple question." Tara teased and they walked off.

"Aunty Bonnie!"

Bonnie turned around and seen Frankie running up to her with open arms, and scooped her up.

"Have fun, be careful! I'm going to play with Sam at Jessie's." Frankie pointed at Bonnie and the woman laughed "Ok, I'll be careful. Make sure you listen to Jessie! I'll be back later today."

Bonnie put Frankie back on the ground, kissing her head in the process.

"Bye Glenn, bye Noah, bye Tara, bye Eugene!"

With that, the little blonde turned and ran off.

The group filed into the van, Noah handed Bonnie a silenced pistol and a few extra clips.

"Seriously though, what's her story?" Tara asked Noah, before he could reply Aiden and Nicholas put some loud music on, making Bonnie cringe.

"Great, another mix." He shrugged and Bonnie laughed "What the hell is this shit?" She exclaimed as the van took off.

"Helps draw 'em away." Glenn replied.

Bonnie couldn't help the ugly feeling settling in her gut.

All she could hope was that the run went as smoothly and safely as possible.

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Sorry for the boring chapter, can confirm things will start to heat up though!

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