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BONNIE, Glenn and Tara had been travelling on the back of the truck that was driven by the three strangers that picked them up back on the road outside the prison.

Bonnie had kept to herself throughout the ride and processing what had happened back at the prison, losing her new family.

This was what Bonnie had feared all along, loosing her new family.

Bonnie sat in the bed of the truck beside Glenn and twirled her knife in her hands, the tip resting on her pointer finger as she twirled it carefully.

Her mind was messed up at the moment, she could not help but feel anger and sadness over what had happened.

She hated that her illness caused her to miss helping out the group against whatever that was, she hated that she was not able to save Hershel, the man she had grown to love as her own father, she hated that she lost her niece and could no longer protect her, she hated that she lost the man she grown to feel for.

Tara watched the blonde curiously, her emotionless face provided no insight into the woman she was, the knife in her hand highlighted to Tara that she knew how to fight and how to use weapons and her slender figure showed she was fit and strong, perfect for this world.

"Was it quick?"

The words brought Tara out of her trance while looking at Bonnie, "Huh?" she asked "Was it quick?" Bonnie repeated, her eyes finally meeting Tara's.

Tara inhaled "No, it wasn't." Bonnie dryly chuckled and looked up at the sky "Did you participate back there?" Bonnie's eyes returned to Tara and the girl shook her head "Once I seen what he was doing, what he had done to Hershel I-I froze. It wasn't right."

Bonnie nodded her head "Did you see a little girl leave?" Tara thought back to when she was sat trapped in the cage at the prison, trying to remember if she seen a young girl leave.

"No, I didn't see one leave."

As Bonnie went to ask another question, she felt Glenn stir from beside her, his eyes fluttering open slowly. "Glenn?" Bonnie called as she put her knife away and sat up over Glenn.

Bonnie smiled as she watched her friend come too "Hey, hey it's all good." Bonnie leaned forward in the truck bed and slammed her hand against the little window "Stop the truck!" she yelled out.

Before long, Glenn and Tara joined in banging against the window until the truck came to a stop and the three jumped out from the back of the truck and onto the road.

"Where the hell are y'all goin'?" Bonnie and Glenn threw their packs onto their shoulders and began walking away as Tara stayed back.

"Ok I don't know if your lady friend there told y'all about the special nature of the mission we're on, we were already behind schedule so I need you both to turn your asses around and get back on that truck." He exclaimed and stood in front of Glenn and Bonnie.

Bonnie looked the man up and down "We've got somewhere to be." She stated and pushed past the man, with Glenn following before they were stopped again, "Well it seems like neither of y'all have been paying enough attention to the hell on Earth we've been living in. So let me tell you how to best avoid winding up just like another dead alive prick."

Bonnie began getting agitated, as the man continued to ramble on and on and on "Who is this guy?" Bonnie asked and she looked at Tara for help "I'm Sergeant Abraham Ford, and these are my companions."

Bonnie turned her head and seen a woman "Rosita Espinosa and Eugene Porter." Bonnie nodded her head at the woman as the other man looked around wordlessly.

"We are on a mission to get Eugene to D.C, Eugene's got the cure for all of this." Bonnie was shocked, as were Glenn and Tara.

"Look, we could use your guys help." Abraham muttered as he stood closer to Glenn and Bonnie, causing the girl to take a step backwards, "We're sorry, but as much as we would like to join, we have to find our people."

Tara, Glenn and Bonnie began walking away from the truck and the three people they had met "Listen we're sorry, Tara told us what went down. There is near zero chance that you will find your wife and niece."

That was the tipping point for Bonnie, she ripped her knife out and spun around, holding it against Abraham's neck. Glenn, Tara and Rosita stood forward "Bonnie, relax it's ok." Bonnie felt the bubble of hope inside her deflate slowly as tears made their way into her eyes "D-Don't, they are out there."

Rosita's gaze softened at the broken woman "Listen, I need to find her, I need to find him, I need to find them, I just need to."

Glenn rested his hand on Bonnie's arm and she slowly lowered it down, placing her knife back into it's sheath. She pulled away from Abraham and exhaled looking down at the ground, the tears finally running and escaping the confinement of her eyes.

"We're sorry, but they are gone."

Bonnie blocked out Abraham and looked up, her eyes noticing walkers coming through the field beside them. She dropped her bags and pulled out her knife, and without a word stalked over and began slashing and stabbing the walkers that emerged onto the road.

Glenn, Tara, Rosita and Abraham joined in killing the rest of the walkers and she turned to look at Glenn "I'm going to find them, if you're with me lets go." Bonnie without a second glance, walked over and picked up her backpack and began walking back in the direction the truck came in, she just wished that someone, anyone was out there.

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