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THE RV came to a screeching halt.

"Are we here?" Frankie asked from her seat in Carol's lap as Bonnie leaned forward to try and get a better look through the windshield.

A large grin grew on the older blonde's face and she nodded "I think so Frank."

Everyone stood up, grabbing their weapons and packs, before filing out of the RV.

"Holy shit."

Frankie's little voice made Bonnie look over to her "Oi! Watch your language!" She exclaimed in shock, causing Daryl and Carol to laugh.

"Just because you are around adults doesn't mean you swear." Bonnie pointed out and Frankie nodded "Sorry, it just slipped out."

What stood before the group, was a tall gate, as well as high walls, just as Aaron had described and showed with the pictures.

The gates were pulled open as Aaron and Eric lead the group forward towards Alexandria.

Eric hobbled away before Aaron turned to face the group, Bonnie tightened the grip of the handgun Daryl gave her.

Though something knocking a trash can beside the group startled them, causing Frankie to hide into her Aunt's side as Daryl shot and killed a possum.

Bonnie rested her hand on Frankie's head gently "It's okay, don't be scared." She crouched down beside Frankie and sent her an assuring smile, with a kiss on the cheek.

Bonnie looked back toward the gate and seen another man with curly hair stood beside Aaron.

The man watched as Daryl picked up the possum before standing back beside the two blondes.

"We brought dinner."

Bonnie stood back up, keeping a close eye on the guy incase he did something.

"It's okay, come on in guys." Aaron extended his arm to the group, encouraging them to come into the community.

Glenn lead the group in, and slowly everyone followed.

The sight the came made Bonnie look around in awe, this place wasn't touched, it looked like those new housing estates in magazines.

"Before we take this any further, I'm going to need you guys to turn over your weapons."

Bonnie turned to look at Daryl, his grip tightening on his crossbow "You stay, you hand 'em over." He demanded as Rick walked forward "We don't know if we want to stay yet."

"I-It's fine Nicholas." Aaron tried assuring Nicholas, and Bonnie walked forward "If we were gonna use them, we would have started by now." She warned him, Rick nodding as he held Judith in one hand, and his python in the other.

Nicholas sent Bonnie a glare, to which she smiled back in response.

"Let them talk to Deanna first." "Who's Deanna?" Abraham asked from the back of the group, "She knows everything you'd wanna know for this place." Aaron responded "Rick, why don't you start?"

YEARNING  -  Daryl Dixonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن