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BONNIE pulled away from Daryl quickly, the pair's eyes snapping over to see Bob "Oh-Uh sorry." The man held up his hands defensively, before turning and walking away and around the other side of the church.

Bonnie let out the breath she had been holding as she reluctantly looked back up to Daryl "I don't need to give you good luck, you know how to look after yourself." Daryl chuckled as Bonnie leaned up and pecked his cheek "How about, I'll see you soon?"

Daryl chewed on his bottom lip and nodded his head, his brown tuffs of hair bobbing "See you soon."

With that, Bonnie turned and walked back into the church leaving Daryl stood outside.

As Bonnie re-entered the church she noticed some people had turned in for the night, others remaining awake and talking quietly.

Bonnie nodded her head towards Rick, who sent a smile in return as she layed down beside Frankie, kicking off her boots and pulling the makeshift cover up to her chest with a sigh.

Her mind replayed what happened only minutes earlier, where she and Daryl were so close to kissing. The moment they shared would be one Bonnie would cherish for the rest of her life, no matter how long or short it would be, even if it was an interrupted moment.


The sound of footsteps and running caused Bonnie to stir in her sleep, and a muffled scream from outside the church made her jolt up into a sitting position. She spotted Maggie walking down the church aisle "Maggie what's going on?" The blonde asked as she slipped her shoes on and stood up.

"Bob is back." She breathily replied, still Bonnie was confused, how long had she been asleep for?

Bonnie checked on Frankie, seeing the girl still asleep before she walked outside to see Rick and Glenn fighting off walkers while Maggie and Sasha helped pick Bob up carefully "Oh my god his leg." Maggie looked on in horror before Bonnie ran over and helped bring him into the church.

"Get inside." Rick yelled before the sound of his gun pierced the silent night.

Sasha, Maggie and Bonnie brought Bob into the church and rested him on the ground carefully.

It was then that Bonnie could see the damage.

A large bandage was wrapped around Bob's cut off leg, three quarters of the way up his thigh.

"Aunt Bonnie?" Frankie had woken up from the gunshots and stood just a little away from Bob "Stay there Frankie." Bonnie ordered, extending her arm out to keep Frankie away, as Rick and Glenn closed the church doors and locked them.

"What happened?" Sasha asked distraughtly and Bob panted "I was out in the graveyard, somebody knocked me out and I woke up outside this place i-it looked like a school." He let out a few shaky breaths as the group watched on in shock.

"It was that guy, Gareth and five other ones." He continued and Bonnie felt her blood run dry and she seen the same look on Rick's face "My leg right in front of me, like it was nothing." He let out as his breathes became shaky, his voice breaking slightly.

"Did they have Daryl and Carol?" Rick asked him, leaning forward and Bonnie sat down in shock.

She now understood why those people at Terminus were killing and chopping up bodies.

It was to eat them.

Bonnie came back to the moment, watching as Bob pulled down his shirt revealing a bite "Oh shit." Bonnie mumbled in shock and Rosita froze from beside her, everyone was in shock.

"It happened at the food bank," Bob croaked and the look on Sasha's face said it all as Tyreese and everyone moved so they could take Bob to a more comfortable place to spend his last hours.

Bonnie sighed and rubbed her forehead as she turned to Frankie "Come here." She whispered before the little girl walked over and stood in between her Aunt's legs "Is Bob okay?" She asked softly, noticing the sad looks on all the adults faces in the room.

"No sweetheart, he isn't." Bonnie told her sadly and Frankie frowned "He got bit didn't he?" Bonnie nodded as she watched the little girl sigh "I'm sorry, I really like him." Frankie spoke softly and Bonnie nodded "So did I."

"Time for a reality check."

Abraham's loud voice caused all eyes to look over at him, Bonnie stood up as well as Rosita and the blonde walked to stand beside Rick "We need to leave for DC right now." He stated, gun held tightly in his arms.

"Daryl and Carol are gonna be back, we ain't goin' anywhere without our people." Rick calmly replied and walked towards Abraham, with his hand on his pistol at his hips.

Bonnie watched the scene carefully, pushing Frankie behind her "I respect that, but there's a clear threat to Eugene here and I need to extract his ass before it gets any uglier." Bonnie squinted her eyes at him.

"You're calling Bob a threat?" She exclaimed and stepped forward with an incredulous look on her face "The bloke is dying and he's a threat?" She yelled, all the pent up anger letting itself out. 

Abraham looked Bonnie in the eyes, his hands holding his rifle tightly, though he kept quiet at her outburst.

"You leavin' on foot?" Rick asked and Eugene turned to look at him "We fixed that damn bus." Rick stopped as he stood in front of the red haired man "Carol saved your life, she saved all of our lives-" "Well I'm tryin' to save your lives too!" Abraham cut Rick off.

"We are not leaving without Daryl and Carol." Rick stated again before Bonnie walked up "They-They went to save Beth." She exclaimed catching everyone's attention, "They went to save Beth, Daryl didn't tell me where they were going though. So we can't leave, incase something goes wrong and they need a place to come back too." Bonnie expressed with pleading eyes.

Abraham shook his head "If any of y'all want to come along with us you're welcome too." The taller man turned and began walking towards the church doors "Do you really think it'll be safe if you left now?" Glenn asked and Abraham nodded "Yeah, yeah I do."

"What about tomorrow? We need each other for this, we need each other to get to DC, we need each other to get through all of it." Glenn pleaded and Bonnie breathed heavily, calming herself after her outburst as Abraham looked down at Glenn.

"I have an idea." Tara began as she stepped forward "If you stay one more day and help, I'll go with you to DC." Bonnie and Glenn looked at her as if she were crazy "Glenn, Maggie, Bonnie and her niece." Abraham grunted in response.

Bonnie looked at Abraham incredulously "I'm not leaving Abraham, I'm sorry but these people are my family." The blonde looked over at Abraham "I'm not leaving Daryl."

"No." Rick responded as he shifted his feet in his position Glenn got in between the two men again "What if Maggie and I do come? Bonnie and Frankie stay here." Glenn pleaded "We stay half a day, come half noon we will be taillights." Bonnie sighed.

"It's done, lets get ready for these pricks." Bonnie muttered before she turned around and moved Frankie towards the room that held Judith and Carl.

Bonnie was annoyed, she missed Daryl.

She was worried.

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