A Pretty Bad Night

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          "Mi Apwil I weawy sowy! Pwease no do dis! I sowy I no me to!" The small girl cried out hysterically making April fill with more worry and concern as she had no clue what Mal thought was going to happen and she honestly didn't want to know what horrible things Mal's mom did to her just for getting sick.

            April just sighed as she tried to focus on her task. "Mal it's okay. I'm not going to do anything to you. I promise. Mal I'm not mad at you. It was an accident. You didn't mean to throw up. I just want to help you get cleaned up and out of your gross throw up covered clothes," April told the small girl, making her calm down a little as she looked at April.

             "You no gonna huw me ow gib me ba touch?"The small girl asked April in shock making April realize what Mal was saying as she immediately felt sick to her stomach just thinking about what Mal's mom had done to her.

                April just looked at the terrified girl as she suddenly couldn't hold it in anymore as she ran to the toilet and emptied out her stomach making the small girl worried as she made her way over to April.

                 "Mi Apwil aw you otay," the small four year old asked April, making her take a deep breath as she hated this. She hated seeing her half sister in so much pain and in fear. And she hated the fact that Mal was worried about her when Mal was the one that had a nightmare, threw up, and had a panic attack.

                     And most of all she hated the fact that Mal had just asked her that horrible question. April just quickly wiped off her mouth as she flushed the throw up down and then looked at Mal.

                     "I'm fine Mal. Now let's just get you cleaned up and back into bed okay," April told the small girl who just slowly nodded as she allowed April to help her get cleaned up. When she was done she handed Mal some of the clothes she got from Nick and allowed Mal to change into them.

                       When Mal finished changing she came back out and got into bed and April immediately placed her hand on Mal's forehead when she could see Mal looked sick again. April sighed when she realized Mal was burning up as she quickly grabbed the thermometer.

                        "Alright Mal open," April told the small girl who looked at the thermometer as she had no clue what it was as she had never seen one before. "Wa dat!" Mal screamed out in fear, making April sigh as she looked at the four year old.

                          "It's a thermometer Mal. It's not going to hurt you. It's just something that will tell me what your temperature is," April told Mal who nodded in understanding as she allowed April to take her temperature. April sighed when the thermometer beeped and she read the numbers.

              "102.5 well you definitely have a fever," April told the small girl, making her eyes widen in panic. "No! No feber! I so sowy Mi Apwil!" The small girl cried out as if having a fever was her fault and something that could have been avoided.

                "Mal don't apologize for having a fever. You can't control it. Now I'm going to be right back. I'm just going to get some medicine to hopefully bring down your fever. Looks like I won't be at work tomorrow," April told the small girl making the small girl feel guilty.

                 "Mi Apwil no do da! Id otay I ta caw myself das wa I aways do," the small girl told April who just sighed again she grabbed the medicine and walked over to the small girl.

                   "No Mal I'm not going to make you take care of yourself! You are four years old! You shouldn't have to do that! I can miss one day of work it won't kill me! Besides it will give us some more one on one time since my dad will be out at work and I won't have to work or do anything for work," April told the small girl who smiled at the thought.

                     "Otay Mi Apwil. Do I weawy hab ta dat yucky mecine! I ha it!" The small girl told April who sighed. "Yeah Mal you have to take this, it will help you. Now open up," April told the four year old who shook her head no.

                        "No! No wanna! Tastes yucky! I ha it! I no wan it!" The small girl cried out and April just sighed as she realized how hard all of this was and she just wanted one easy thing. "Please Mal just take the medicine. It's going to help you!" April told Mal who just sighed as she finally gave in and took the medicine.

                         "Ew! No wike dat! I knew it be yucky!" The small girl screamed out making April laugh a little at Mal's reaction as she found it funny and adorable. "Yeah well you'll be thanking me when you recover quicker. Now try to get some sleep okay. Sleep helps you when you're sick. Night Mal," April told the small girl as she got up from the bed, but the small girl reached up just as she was falling asleep.

                            "Nigh nigh mommy. I wob you," the small girl told April as she fell asleep making April just stare at the small girl in shock as Mal had just called her mommy and told her she loved her.

                              After April came out of her shock she smiled as she realized that she liked Mal calling her that even if it did completely shock her at first. "Night Mal I love you too," April whispered as she kissed the sick girl on her forehead and then left the room.

                              Once April left Mal's room she sat down on her couch as she just buried her head in her hands and broke down sobbing as everything that had happened all in one night just flooded her brain making her feel so much more hurt as she realized Mal's mom did a lot worse than she had originally thought and that just made her so sick to think about.

                              Mal was such a sweet and innocent little girl she didn't deserve all the pain and suffering. April just wanted to take it all away. She really wished her dad had known about the baby maybe if her dad had known Mal would have lived with him and never would have had to go through all the suffering that she did.

                               April was immediately brought out of her thoughts when she saw the sun was out and she realized she had been thinking about that the whole night. Just as April was about to go check up on the small girl she heard a knock on her door making her groan as she got up and answered the door.

                    April immediately filled with shock when she saw Sarah at her door looking upset. "Sarah," April asked the girl in shock and Sarah just looked at her. "What's going on! You and Nick are hiding something and I want answers!" Sarah told April, making her look at Sarah in shock as she didn't know what to say to the younger girl.

                    April was about to make up an excuse, but before she could do that the small purple haired girl came out as she had thrown up again. "Mi Aprwl I frew up aben. I sowy," the small girl cried out, making April just sigh as she looked at the little girl. "It's okay Mal I'll be there in a second just go change okay," April told the small girl who nodded. While Sarah was just staring at the small girl in shock.

                      "Mal is here! What is going on," Sarah practically screamed out as her brother and April had been acting really secretive lately and now there was a young child in April's house and it looked like Mal had slept the night.

                        "Sarah I'll explain later, but right now I have to go deal with Mal's problem," April told Sarah as she ran back to Mal's room to go help her leaving Sarah still in shock as she had no clue what was going on, but she wanted answers.

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