Secrets that brings us closer

Start from the beginning

Lunch hour came by quite quickly. We made our way to the cafeteria, since I became a wolf I eat like crazy. My metabolism has changed so much. By we I mean my old friends. It feels good being around them like this. But suddenly I began to feel a deep pain in my chest.

"The full moon is next week, we have not found our wheel to stop". My wolf spoke to me with a worried toned. Just by thinking about the pain that the full moon brings me, my fingertips began to get numb, also pretty sure that my face is as white as a paper sheet.

Currently we are in the line to getting our food. My legs feel like they are going to betray me, abruptly, I got out of the line. I heard a tray hitting really hard the floor since my hearing, sight is pretty sensitive. My instinct was to apologize and pay for the food, but the person spoke before I got the chance.

"What the hell?!, You dumbass are fucking blind?" I looked up to be faced by Monique. Just my luck. She is picking a wrong time to mess with me.

"Maybe if your fat ass wasn't in the way that wouldn't have happened don't you think bitch?" By now everyone was looking our way and Jamie was by my side in a blink of an eye. Monique is a beautiful girl its just her attitude that ruins it all. Besides, this girl is all image I am pretty sure that she is going to be feeling self conscious, especially because when I said it all guys started to laugh and a bunch of 'ohhs' were heard.

"If I were you I would be careful". This only made me laugh.

"You actually think I am still afraid of your pathetic self? Don't piss me off Monique you will end up needing a face job".

I could see Clover making her way towards us just to join the party. Cassidy was nowhere to be found.

"Monique, that's enough, you are making a scene". Now I think that surprised everyone. Then the pain in my chest was increasing and I could feel my wolf anxious, she wanted to come out.

"I don't need to waste my time with worthless shit like you Alexandra Halsey, that is all you ever be". At that moment all that was heard was the loud thud she made when I grabbed her by her neck and threw her hard against the floor. I was ready to kill this whore. But I felt someone grab me hard by the arm. My eyes are burning, which only means one thing. My wolf is showing its presence making everything in the room look bright and different. I turned to look at Jamie and she gasped. Since no one was beside her no one saw, but she did. I ran out of the cafeteria making my way to the bathroom.

I washed my face with cold water. Slowly I felt that I was in control once again. I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes are their normal green.

Looking to my left, Jamie's figure came to view.

"I know what you are going to ask... and I am done hiding things from you, they are only pushing us apart".

She didn't say anything, nor took a step closer. I sighed.

"The night you guys were at Derek's party something did happen to me when I disappeared. I heard a scream in the woods, me being the person I am, quickly went in search to see if someone needed help. There was no one and I was already far away from my car". Jamie was just listening, when she didn't say anything I continued. "I saw something, and that something began to chase me, soon I was under this animal with glowing red eyes. Then I felt a terrible pain as soon as I felt the pain the animal was gone. I began to run again, but this time I couldn't, my whole body began to ache. I fainted. The other day I woke up in a cabin, Kylie was there. She explained everything that happened and I could not believe what she was telling me... Jamie the animal that attacked me was a werewolf".

She was silent, my nerves were rising, making almost drown in them.

"Do you seriously expect me to believe in werewolves Alex?".

" I am asking you to believe in me! You saw how my face was magically healed the next day, just seconds ago you saw my eyes completely yellow". She gulped.

"Ho- how is it even possible?". She asked. Her hands were trembling and I felt bad that my best friend was afraid of me.

" Werewolves have existed for centuries now, they were created by a witch. I don't know much about that story yet, but we exist and we are real, Jamie, please don't be afraid of me". My eyes were burning now, but with a completely different emotion. I wanted to cry.

"I could never be afraid of you Alex, I know you and I know you did not ask for this to happen. Yes, I am shocked, but it's a normal feeling when your best friend tells you she is a werewolf". She walked closer and pulled me in for a hug, I have really missed this girl.

"Everything is okay, I just wished you had told me sooner." I felt so relieved right now. My best friend knows my deepest secret and she is okay with it. This only makes me remember when I told her I was gay. She said the exact same words. ' Everything is okay, I just wish you had told me sooner'. I love Jamie to death, she is the sibling I never had.

After that I told her absoloutly everything.

A.N>> hello fellow readers. I know It has been a while since I last updated, but I hope you liked this chapter. I am extremely grateful for the views and also the votes. It means a lot to me. Thanks a lot. Also chapters may be coming slower than before because I have had a lot of work from school also I get home late and a bit lazy.

Sorry for the errors found.

Till next time. Lots of love Karie★

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