levi ackerman - [ headcannons ]

Start from the beginning

- if you're still hungry after already eating, he'll give you some of his food

- if you two were to have a baby, he would be a great dad

- levi wants to open up a tea shop with you

- when you're sad or down, he drops everything he's doing to comfort you and reassure that he loves you

- when he's having trouble with you, sometimes he'll ask Hangi or Erwin for help

- he loves it when you laugh at his dark humor

- during expeditions, he always has an eye on you to make sure you don't get killed

- you've both saved each other's lives more than once

- levi likes to touch your legs, especially your thighs

- levi was sexually frustrated before he met you

- after you guys have sex, he always holds you close to him and doesn't let go until he absolutely has to

- when you guys have sex, he always tells you how good it feels and how much he loves you

- he'll give you hickeys on your neck to make sure people know who you belong to

- he's so afraid of losing you, sometimes he has nightmares

- when other people try to flirt with him, he'll be blunt and tell them that they're not good enough to top you

- levi wonders why he isn't attracted to anyone else except you

- sometimes, without him realizing it, he'll stare and admire you

- he always thinks about you, but tries not to when he has to plan expeditions

- he thinks he's the luckiest man in the world to have you

- when you make fun of his height, he'll make fun of you too

- when he sees you cleaning on your own, he smiles to himself

- when you're sick, he takes care of you even though he doesn't want to get sick too

- when he's sick, he acts like a baby on purpose so that you'll stay and take care of him

- he likes looking up at the stars at night when he can't sleep

- he sleeps better when you're sleeping with him

- when he can't sleep and you're not there, sometimes he'll go to your room and sleep there with you

- when you guys aren't talking because of a fight and he tries to sleep, he can't so he'll go to your room and sleep with you, even if you're mad at him

- he likes it when you give him back massages

- sometimes he'll tickle you if you're mad at him

- levi is short but he's p a c k i n g

- he'll listen to you sing in the shower and sometimes he'll fall asleep

- when you annoy him while he's doing paper work, he'll throw a pillow in your face

- if you guys fight, he won't apologize unless he knows he did something wrong

- he isn't a jealous person because he trusts you, but if he does get jealous, he'll hold it in and talk about it later

- levi would never cheat on you

- if another girl tried to kiss him, he would actually, physically punch them

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