aizawa; boku no hero academia

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You hated being around giant crowds and being the center of attention. It was bothersome and sometimes embarrassing. You didn't mind doing press conferences when you had to, but you just didn't see the point in being a hero for publicity. You are a hero because you want to save people from harm. That's why you decided on being an underground, pro-hero instead.

Despite your preference for being self-reserved when it came to media, you were actually a really nice person who got along with pretty much everyone. You weren't obnoxious, but you were chill and got along with everyone's vibes. Not only is your personality great, but you're also one of the most beautiful teachers at UA High.

You're the whole package; You've got looks, skill, and personality. People would think you'd go for someone like All Might or Hawks because of their looks, their overwhelming popularity and skill, and their upbeat, optimistic personalities. But, you had someone else in mind.

Aizawa Shouta.

He isn't the typical guy that many women would go for. He always looked tired and depressed, he slept through most of his classes, he didn't like being around people, and he likes cats. That's what people saw on the outside though. As you got to know and grow close to Aizawa, you learned about who he really was on the inside. He was passionate and cared a lot about Class 1-A and the fact that he'd risk his life to protect them. He was a softy on the inside and you liked that about him.

The fact that he was also an underground hero allowed you both to spend a lot of time together, whether he liked it or not, which he did. At first, to him, you were just a coworker that he had to work alongside. The more missions you went on, the more he thought about you when you were gone and the more he noticed you around campus. His heart would race whenever he saw you walking towards him. You would usually greet him with a sweet smile and wave at him which gave him butterflies. He would give you a small smile back and wave. He didn't know why he had these feelings for you, you were just supposed to be a coworker to him.

"Hey, Aizawa." You said as you leaned against the door frame of his empty classroom.

He looked up from his work as he heard the sound of your voice. You tilted your head and smiled at him, making him turn his head back to his work to hide his blush.

"I said you can call me Shouta." He mumbled in his lazy voice as he continued to scribble words on the papers in front of him.

You chuckled and walked into his classroom. You pulled a chair that sat against the wall and slid it so that it was now in front of Aizawa's desk. He looked at you as you sat down in front of him. You usually came into his classroom whenever you had free time and he was done teaching. He appreciated the fact that you would use your time just to see him. You didn't say much, not wanting to interrupt him.

"Let me know when you're done." You said as you leaned back and looked out of the open door.


About 30 minutes had passed and Aizawa had finally finished his paperwork. He sighed and leaned back to stretch his body. He looked at you as he relaxed his body again. Your head was hanging to the side has a little bit of drool came out of your mouth. Your breathing was soft, almost silent as you slept peacefully. Small pieces of hair fell on your face as shifted slightly. Aizawa watched you with a smile on his face. You were so cute when you were asleep. He so desperately wanted to pull you into his arms and hold you as you rested against his body.

He sighed, knowing he had to wake you up at some point. He brought up a hand and poked your cheek gently. You slowly opened your eyes as you yawned and stretched out your body. As if she couldn't get any cuter. He thought to himself as he stared at you.

"Hey, sorry I fell asleep." You said as you rubbed your eye.

"No worries," Aizawa said as he gathered his stuff together. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked as he stood up.

You stood up with him and put the chair back where you found it.

"Are you patrolling tonight?" You asked as you walked out of the classroom next to him.

"Yes. Why?" He said as he closed the classroom door and locked it.

"I was supposed to see a friend tonight, but they canceled so I thought I'd spend that time with you instead." You said with a slight smile as you blushed.

Your words melted his heart, making it impossible for him not to smile. "I wouldn't mind that." He said in his deep voice which you found very attractive.

"Great!" You said excitedly. He chuckled and continued to walk.

You and Aizawa were crouched down on the edge of a building. You both focused on the surrounding area, looking for any trouble in the city. Aizawa glanced at you. The cold wind blew through your hair, revealing all of your beautiful features. Your eyes sparkled as you looked down at the city's lights. Butterflies surfaced in his stomach as he continued to admire you.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, snapping Aizawa out of your trance. You both scanned your eyes over to where the sound came from.

"There!" You pointed at the cloud of grey smoke that rose above the buildings.

"Let's go!" Aizawa yelled as he used his bandages to swing to another building.

You trailed Aizawa as he swung from building to building. Suddenly, you saw a knife being hurdled towards you. You stopped running and caught it, turning to the direction which it came from. Aizawa turned around as he stopped hearing your footsteps.

"Y/n!" He yelled as he took a step towards you to help you.

"I'm fine. Go check what's going on down there!" You yelled as you kept your eyes locked on the villain before you.

Aizawa was hesitant at first, but he turned around and continued to head towards the grey smoke. He had to trust you.

The villain you fought wasn't that strong. It took about 10 minutes for you to knock him out and take him to the police at the scene. You looked around for Aizawa as you arrived at where the explosion was. You looked up and saw Aizawa's bandages floating around on top of a building. You made your way up to where he was, keeping a safe distance away so that you wouldn't get in his way.

He looked like he had it under control until his quirk deactivated because of his restraint. The villain lunged at Aizawa right when he noticed he could use his quirk again.

"Aizawa!" You yelled as you dashed towards the villain.

You got him with your quirk just in time, making him unconscious. You looked at Aizawa, your face full of worry.

"What were you thinking?! You could've gotten hurt! Killed, you idiot!" You yelled at him as you gripped his shoulders tightly. "You know you have a limit to your quirk now, so you should've used it wisely!" You continued as tears started to form.

He stared at you with wide eyes. He's never seen you like this before. You always had a smile on your face when you were around him. He watched you lower your head as tears began to fall.

"I don't know what I would do if you died, Shouta... I love you." You whispered the last part as your grip on his shoulders loosened.

Aizawa's expression softened as he heard your words. He pulls you into a tight hug, burying his face into your shoulder. You were shocked as he tightened his grip around your body.

"I'm sorry, y/n. I love you too." He confessed.

You felt his warm breath on your shoulder, causing your cheeks to heat up. You wrapped your arms around his torso and hugged him back. He pulled back, looking int your eyes as he brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. He leaned in and placed his lips on yours softly. You closed your eyes slowly as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulled away and gave you a small smile.

- waveybdj

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