Chapter 11

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Sitting at their lunch table I realized I needed the inner circle's help to get home, even if it meant working with Deana for a couple days. Luckily, no one other than Fenrys had asked me for information of what had happened in the room that day, they probably didn't realize when Deana had called me Aelin, so I guess that meant I could continue using Celena. For the last week I had been here the mating bond had become dormant and stretched too thin. I knew Rowan was alive because I could still feel his power through the bond. I just hoped he would stay in Terresan and help Aedion and our new allies instead of coming after me. I looked over at Cassian and asked, "Do you guys have a training ring here?"

"Yes we do, would you like to train with me today?" He smiled and asked.

"Sure, if you feel like losing against someone who is more than 400 years years younger than you."

He laughed and answered, "Girl, I am the general of the armies here and you are human, what could you possibly do to me?"

"Cassian, she could kill you in less than 5 minutes if she wanted." Amren replied.

Cassian smirked, not taking Amren seriously.

Ameren was still looking right at me expecting me to say something back to her but my only answer was a wicked laugh before he led me to ring. It was a big mistake for him to undermine my skills, he had no idea what was coming. I had practiced fighting fae in my human form, but I would give this fool the satisfaction of getting close to a win before I unmasked myself.

When we got inside the ring, Cassian said, " Pick a weapon."

"Only one?" I asked

" Your pick," He replied.

I examined all the weapons they had on their walls, but there was only one that stood out to me, the 2 long daggers. They were beautiful metal and silver daggers with wings on the hilt. I looked back at him and smiled, "Let's get started."


Celena was carefully examining all the weapons on the wall before taking off the Illyains daggers. I had to give it to her, she had taste and knew what she was looking for. She could be one of the best fighters if she was fae but this girl had no chance against me.

When she was done she looked back and said, "Let's get started."

The entire court was there to watch this match, even Amren who had claimed this human could kill me if she wanted to. I was going to prove how wrong she was. We started to circle each other, eyeing each other's stance and finding a weakness that might accidentally be revealed. My wings were not out for safe keeping, I could not let anything happen to them again.

Feyre from the side yelled, "3!,2!,1! Go!"

I expected her to go on offense, but she eyed me as if in waiting. Alright I thought, let's wipe that smile off your face. I struck aiming right in the middle of the center of the daggers but she turned in a swift circle making me tumble. I turned around and struck hard and fast but she moved away with inhuman speed.

"Can't fight can you? All you're doing is defending." I laughed. She was mad now, she quickly turned around and went on offense. She was lighting fast and strong. I was surprised at the skill she showed. Her hits were precise and pierced through my shoulder. I lifted my sword and aimed at her hand but she blocked it with her second dagger going right to my neck.

"Yield!" she yelled.

"Never!" I deflected the dagger and cut her arm with my sword. She didn't even seem bothered that she was bleeding. I guess that was to be understood after she had all the scars on her body.

A Court of Old and New (ACOTAR and TOG Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now