When he asks you out

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Saiki Kusuo ✨
For the past two days Saiki has been thinking about his assessment. He doesn't have to worry about it now, but he wants to get it done before anyone else.


What was the real assessment.

Oh, he knew. He knew this was a dumb way for the teacher to hook up a few kids together. Saiki isn't stupid. He didn't really need his telepathy to know that this is what his teacher wanted. He knows it's been stressing you out considering this assessment didn't have any papers, just your mind. And you always had at least something on your mind - as Saiki observes.

Saiki found this entire thing to be stupid. It's school, not let's see how many students I can get together, as if it's a game. Saiki was aware that this isn't actually the real assessment. It was just a side thing for when the actually assessment came. It would have questions about couples, and about what you would do or think, and whatever else.

Plus, this entire thing isn't too bad if he's completely honest. It's not entirely a waste of time, as Saiki can slowly learn a few things about woman and dates and stuff, just in case Saiki does indeed fall in love with someone.

Which may be unlikely. If he just so happens to fall in love with y/n, which is what his teacher wants - then he would really have to focus and learn what she loves, what she appreciates, what she deserves to have and do. He can't read her mind, so this would be complicated for Saiki. Although he is willing to try.

He might meet someone in the future, and he unfortunately cannot read their mind. So this, is the next best thing for him, and sure he can ask his mother or his female classmates - but he rather this then anything else.

It's less complicated and less of a hassle... If people in his class find out he has a crush on someone, that would just gain attention, females in the class asking themselves if it's them or someone else.

His mother on the other hand, will never let it go until she knows who it is, or better yet - has seen who it is - just so she can tease him more.

Which definitely is something Saiki doesn't want. His mother is already enough, he doesn't need this.

So, luckily for him.

He doesn't have a crush - and least, so he thinks.

Back to the assessment, Saiki needs to learn more about you. So he's been thinking the entire day if he should take you to café Mami - again. Or the arcade. He could find out many different things - hopefully.

It wasn't necessarily a hard decision, of course - if he was reading someones mind. So he questioned himself the entire day if you and him could do something else for a change. Surly you would appreciate the change in hang outs.

"Y/n." Saiki calls out into your head. You whipped around with wide eyes before smiling.

"Hey! What's up?." You questioned.

"Let's go to the arcade. Something different...of course, unless you don't want too."

Saiki mentally curses to himself for feeling awkward. He doesn't ask people to hang out often, usually it's the other way around -

But, your smile never faded.

"Almost like a date..." You thought.

"Sure, I'd love to go to the arcade."

"Great. Meet me here in a few hours, our next class is about to start." Says Saiki as he begins to walk away.

"He's so awkward sometimes.."

Saiki Kusuo - Boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now