Second meeting

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Saiki Kusuo ✨

Your first day could have gone better, it wasn't entirely awful but it wasn't entirely great either. It was somewhere in the middle, you kept to yourself through all of the lessons the entire day, but of course your classmates weren't going to leave you alone. You're new here, you have a pretty face, you're nice.

As people assumed.

Everyone just wanted to become your friend, everyone wanted to talk and hang out with you. But the entire day, you just listened and watched. Never bothering to say anything unless a question that is actually relevant is being asked.

It was annoying to learn just how much people can talk. Usually you made small talk, that was it. Or if you're with someone close to you, you would have deep, meaningful conversations. But unfortunately, you haven't made on genuine friend who deserved a meaningful conversation, everyone just asked stupid questions, sometimes even saying the same question twice or more.

It was a pain. And you could tell that the person beside you was annoyed by the attention.

You kept quiet at your desk, minding your own business. Kept in your own thoughts, that Saiki kinda wishes he could hear. Unfortunately for him, he cannot access them. No matter how hard he tries.

"Hey pal! Wanna go out for ramen? Oh.. you could also bring your girl-friend too." Nendou says smiling like the idiot he is, scratching the back of his head as well. You knew Nendou already, considering you once saw him and his mother together at a grave yard. You never spoke to him, only his mother. Who was really nice, despite the look of her face. She looked identically similar to her son, it was kinda creepy.

Or was it the other way around?

Doesn't matter.

"NENDOU! Don't be so straight forward and don't go around assuming things." A smaller boy with light blue hair says. On closer inspection, he had red bandages around his wrists. Was he injured? Or is he messing around with the Dark Reunion?

Yes, you knew the Dark Reunion and how stupid it was. Obviously you didn't believe in anything these types of people had to say about the Dark Reunion. It was stupid. But kinda fun at the same time, you liked playing along. Just to mess with people a little bit.

Kaidou, who you met earlier today due to a group study session. Had a huge red blush across his face, you had to admit. Kaidou was really cute, you couldn't believe that all the girls here are so dense and cannot see just how attractive Kaidou is. You're not interested in him, per say. You just thought that he was cute and he should be given a chance at love, and you knew Kaidou liked you.

Everyone in this room did, Kaidou made it obvious. But on top of that, so did everyone else.

Expect for one..

"Kaidou, I don't think that's what Nendou meant..." You mumbled.

"Huh? What did you say..?" Nendou questions, raising a brow. Man, he really is stupid.

"Saiki! Uh-.. and... Y-y/n... Would you both like to- uhh, g-go get some ramen with us?." Kaidou asked, avoiding your gaze. And completely ignoring Nendou.

You could tell Saiki didn't want to go, but he nodded his head anyway.

Leaving only you, to decide.

And you picked.

🌸 ---- TIME SKIP ---- 🌸

You trailed behind both Nendou and Kaidou, they're both arguing about something you didn't really care about. You were too focused on your own thoughts, and admiring Japan.

You were born and raised here for a good few years but then had to leave at the age of 10, it was hard for you but eventually you grew to not care. You liked the new place you stayed in, it was nice and everyone was so sweet and they didn't make a huge scene because of your looks.

But after an incident, you left at the age of 16. It will your birthday in a few months. You will be turning 17, and you could not wait for it.

Hopefully you make friends who aren't fake. You really need company once and awhile.

"Y/n? We're going to the arcade first. Want to come!." Kaidou says with his eyes closed, he pulled a pose too. Definitely Dark Reunion.

You giggled at how dumb he looked. A blush appearing on his face, making him stutter. Nendou stares at his friends flushed face with utter confusion, while Saiki kinda of just stood beside you quietly.

"I- w-we better get going." He says before running away to the arcade dragging Nendou along. You could hear Nendou's protests but Kaidou didn't listen.

It was now just you and Saiki. Who you forgot was even beside you for a split second.

Once Nendou and Kaidou were fully out of sight, Saiki sighed before turning around and making his way to a different location. You gasped and raised a brow, turning around to face him.

"Hey... Where are you going?." You asked.

He didn't answer for a few seconds but upon turning his head to see your puzzled expression, he gave you an answer.

But of course without sighing softly.

"Café mami."

You raised a brow again before smiling. "I love that place! Let's go." You say running up beside Saiki, who now gave you a strange look.

"What? I'm hungry and that's my favourite place to go. Besides, I know you don't want to be around Nendo and Kaidou, so hang out with me instead."

After that being said. You started walking, with a wide smile.

Time for Coffee jelly!!

Saiki, who still didn't say anything. Followed behind you without question, he's only going because he really wants coffee jelly. And who knows, he might figure out why he cannot read your thoughts and why he can see you.

And what other powers of his don't work on you?

Words: 998

Wow, this was garbage :D

Saiki Kusuo - Boyfriend scenariosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora