When you hang out

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Saiki Kusuo ✨

You and Saiki both took a seat near the window of Café mami. You watched as people chatted amongst themselves, people entering and leaving, waving in "hello's." Or "goodbye's." Saiki and you just sat in silence. No word was exchanged.

The silence wasn't awkward or tense at least, it somehow felt comfortable. You kept looking around in admiration, you loved it here. Normally it was quiet and the atmosphere was calm, a very relaxing place to hang out or to go and have a coffee date with someone.

Unfortunately, no one can attend you with the last one. Unless it's just a friendly date, and you had to admit, you were indeed looking for a relationship. It's been a little lonely lately and honestly, you just wanted attention and you wanted to go out and have fun with the boy you're madly in love with. You wanted to go out and do all the things you see couples do, or maybe you weren't looking for a relationship? instead, you're just missing your ex-boyfriend.

Which you wish you doubted. You and him had a harsh break-up, no violence or language was being said but everyone knew it didn't end up well. And you will never speak of it to anyone, hopefully.

Saiki sits and stares at you once more, his eyes haven't left yours since you both sat down. Saiki was just so hooked up on the fact that he cannot read your mind, Saiki can clearly see that you're deep in thought and you kept looking around the room. Something was definitely on your mind. And hell, Saiki wishes for once in his life that he could hear it. Although on the other note, he is kinda glad he can't, finally another person that cannot interrupt his own thoughts.

He will admit that it is scary that he cannot hear them, he cannot predict what you will do or what you will say. Kinda like Nendou, Saiki never knows what's going on in his head. Therefore it's kinda scary, same with bugs. He has no idea what their move is or what's going to happen next. It's why he always leaves the scene, but also the fact that they're gross. So, understandable.

"Hello! I'm so sorry for the wait, there's a lot of customers this afternoon. Anywho, here are your menu's." A nice waitress says as she approaches your table with menu's. She had a genuine apologetic smile on her face, she went to turn and leave but before she does she turns around and says.

"It's nice to see you again y/n. Feels like forever! Have fun with your date, I'm going to lunch." She says winking in your direction. A bright blush comes upon your face as you pouted.

"I-it's not like that! Honestly it isn't..." Your waiter giggles softly.

"Sureeeeee it isn't, hehe. Your red face tells me otherwise."

"Yo-you caught me off guard! No one just says that.." You mumble, placing your hands over your red face. The waitress laughs again before leaving.


You stay in that position hearing a soft voice say. "Good grief." making you raise a brow from underneath your hands. Was that Saiki? first thing he has said all day...

Saiki still stares at you before picking up your menu and tapping you on your hands with it, getting your attention. You look up with a red face and squinted eyes, eyebrow still raised.

"Order anything, I'll pay for it." Saiki says, waiting patiently for you to take the menu. All you did was stare at him for a few seconds before gently removing your hands from your face and grabbing the menu off him.

You pouted once again.

"You don't have too..." You whispered softly, shaking your head before looking away from the pink haired boy. Your hair whooshing in the air then falling gently back down onto your shoulder/back, getting the attention of a few customers, although no one said anything about your beauty. But despite them not coming up to you, Saiki can hear their thoughts about you.

"Her hair is so pretty... so healthy and clean and shiny! Ugh I'm so jealous." One woman thinks.

Saiki mentally sighed. He really does hate attention, but he's glad no one is mentioning him in this.

Saiki then shook his head, meaning he will pay for the both of you. It's not something Saiki will do but he saw how the waitress made you feel and he knew you didn't eat today. He knew you would feel uncomfortable eating now. Your face flushed with embarassment, you hated eating when embarrassed. And Saiki kind of sees it, he might not be able to read your mind but your body language says it all. So he's being nice and wants to pay for your meal, for you to at least eat something.

That works right? Any girl or boy would eat if it's free...

You looked back at Saiki and kept your eyes locked with his, for at least more than 7 seconds. And you know what they say, it takes someone at least 4 seconds to fall in love, especially if you're looking into their eyes.

{Oooh, what has the author done? :) }

".... Thank you." You whisper again, feeling a smile make its way onto your face. Saiki nodded.

"You're welcome." He says.

Obviously you took notice in the fact that he didn't use his mouth to speak, but because of the state you're in, you let it slide.

You looked down at your menu, but you already knew what you wanted.

"I know what I want, it's way I came along with you.." You say, Saiki looks up from his menu, raising a brow, wanting you to tell him what it is.

You smile even wider at this and say.

"I want some Coffee jelly.... please."

And at that moment, Saiki thinks he has found his soulmate. Okay, a bit of an exaggeration but he was surprised when you said that, and when you said it.. you said it with such love. You love Coffee jelly like him. You caught the look he gave you, a small smile, eyes sparking.

He's found a friend after all.

Maybe. "Don't think too far Saiki... could be a coincidence, everyone likes Coffee jelly...."

Saiki nodded before placing his down.

"Me too."

You and Saiki both sat and chatted some more before the waitress came back asking what you both wanted. She still kept teasing you, but Saiki told you using his telepathy to ignore her. Surprisingly, you listened to him. You and Saiki did have some moments of silence which wasn't awkward, it was nice and comfortable. You weren't annoying him or asking dumb questions all the time. You both just sat and got to know each other better, and surprising enough. Saiki enjoyed talking to you, you were definitely special and incredibly interesting.

While Kaidou and Nendou were running around yelling both yours and Saiki's name, asking where you both are.

"What a pain.." Saiki thought, mentally rolling his eyes. Before resuming back to the conversation you and him are having.

Words: 1200

Ayyyye, 2 updates in one day? I think

✨yes ✨

Saiki Kusuo - Boyfriend scenariosDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora