You meet Chiyo and Teruhashi

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Yep, you are about to officially meet the sweetest, perfect angel named - Chiyo Yumehara 😌 who you secretly wanted to be friends with since day 1 and uhh...

well, you'll be meeting Teruhashi too, I guess 🤸🏻‍♀️🗑️🙄

Friendly reminder L/n = Last name ✨

Kusuo Saiki ✨
You skipped along the sidewalk to your second favourite café, wishing Kusuo could join you on this little trip, purely because you want him to try one of your favourite desserts ever made! Sadly they only sell them in that Café.

Kusuo informed you after school that he couldn't make it, telling you that his mother wanted Kusuo to help around the house. You understood and went on about your day, though still wishing Kusuo could join you.

You guess you'll just have to buy him some and save it for later on, as you didn't entirely mind spending your money on him. It wasn't a big deal, as you like Kusuo, and he was indeed your boyfriend who loves sweets. You would feel bad not getting him anything, although you knew Kusuo wouldn't want you to spend any sort of money on him, and to that you don't care, you will buy him some anyway. Just because you love him... and you'll feel bad.

So, as you skipped to the café doors you came to an abrupt stop as your eyes widen slightly, mouth slightly open. Two other figures doing the exact same action as you. Mouths open, eyes widen in some sort of trance, and bodies completely still.

"No way..." You thought.

Right now, standing in front of you is a blue haired female, someone you knew from school but never gave a second glance too - her name was Teruhashi Kokomi. You honestly didn't really know the girl well, and never really wanted to be friends with her in any way, and now seeing her here out of all places, is going to be very awkward.

You would actually catch Teruhashi staring at you from time to time at school, you kinda just thought that she either hates you or wants to be friends with you. You agreed with the first possibility as it seems more accurate than this girl wanting to be friends with you - because there is absolutely no way in the world that this girl even likes the sight of you.

Reasons why? Well, whenever you talk to Kusuo in the halls at school, or inside the classroom, Teruhashi just so happens to be around and would stare at you - you wouldn't say "glare" because as many people know, this is the "perfect pretty girl" of the school. She can't just go around and poke her nose in other people's business as if it's her career, and she also cannot go around glaring at girls who talk to a boy she isn't even friends with, or better yet, doesn't even know the name of - plus, there are always people around her, so many witnesses. She can't be her true-self around them, and as sad as that sounds. You couldn't care less. Teruhashi is one odd girl you have to admit, and she's just living a fake, toxic life.

It's really easy to pick out her true personality, it's not entirely hard to know if she hates someone, is jealous of someone or if she likes someone. To you it sticks out like a sore thumb, probably because you use to be friends with someone scarily similar to Teruhashi - not appearance wise, but personality wise. So because of this her fake personality isn't fooling you, but not just that, her voice slightly changes, and it sounds stupidly fake and high.

You're not afraid to be real around her, you don't care who she is, you don't care why she is here, you don't care if she wishes to be your friend or not. It's her life, and you don't really want to be apart of it - as much as you wish Teruhashi should just be her self, you knew better, so, you'll leave her alone.

At least for now - you like helping people and all, but Teruhashi is some other being that is just beyond your responsibility. So this is kinda the reason why Teruhashi may dislike you, or doesn't want to be friends with you. She stares why too often, always acts way too fake whenever you're around with anyone, mostly when you're around with Saiki. And on top of that, she's just a toxic girl, at least, to you she definitely is and there is no changing your mind about that.

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