Chapter 22// final

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Well this is it. This was always meant to be short. I've had a lot of fun. If you want me to write another please do say so, also, thank you all. This was an amazing journey and I'm so proud. I love you.
~peace out, Rhiannon

3rd perspective

Brendon was curled up at Ryan's beside. He had run out of books.

Brendon and Ryan have been on a long journey. They have fallen in love and dealt with their issues.

The two boys were made for each other. As Brendon sat there, having lost all hope.

A miracle, if you believe in such things, occurred.

Ryan's heart rate picked up. His eyes began to flutter and slowly, as if waking up from a permanent slumber.

Ryan opened his eyes.

And, for the first time in forever, he saw everything.

He saw his lanky body filling the bed. He saw the window and the beautiful trees and descending sun. He saw the hospital and the people in it.

And he saw Brendon.

What an unbelievably amazing, gorgeous, fantastic, marvellous, perfect sight.

His Brendon.
Brendon smiled,

"Good morning sunshine." He said softly as Ryan pushed their lips together.

They embraced for the longest of times, holding each other, that's all they needed.

After all, Brendon had nearly lost Ryan.

But now Ryan could see. And the world was a beautiful place. People didn't appreciate it enough, in Ryan's opinion.

The world surrounding us is a combination of many things. All of which are beautiful.

If there was a God, he had done a damned good job at making the world.

Ryan couldn't keep his eyes off Brendon. He was so beautiful.

"Ryan? Are you alright?" Brendon whispered, Ryan simply nodded,

"Nothing prepared me for how beautiful you are." He replied. God, Ryan was truly in love. Brendon felt relieved that Ryan still loved him. That Ryan found him beautiful.

Brendon smirked,

"Just wait till you get to a mirror. True beauty lies in you." He said softly. The boys smiled at each other.

"I love you more than the sun loves the moon." Brendon said,

"I love you more than words can describe." Ryan countered.

Smiling like fools they sat and kissed. Happy lovers, not to be disturbed again.

There are no such things as 'happily ever afters'. But Brendon and Ryan tried their damnedest to get one.

After all, Ryan did literally fall for Brendon. And Brendon fell just as hard.

Well, as this story comes to a close, something's you should be sure of.

Ryan and Brendon had their issues.

They worked them out, they let anything stop them.

And one other thing.

Bubble baths are good after sex cures for sore asses.

~the end

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