The Skasis Paradigm (19)

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Just wanna preface by saying:
I'm starting to heal from my depressive episode and autistic burnout, and I'm falling back in love with writing. So this means a slight more productivity and motivation boost.

Also I apologise, this is basically just a cut and paste from the script, but we're still progressing forward and getting stuff published. When we get out of this arc, which is probably next chapter, there's gonna be more original scenes.

So, as an apology have a slightly longer chapter than usual.


"So what's the deal with the tin dog?" Mickey asks as we leave the shop.

"The Doctor likes travelling with an entourage. Sometimes they're humans, sometimes they're aliens, and sometimes they're tin dogs. What about you? Where do you fit in the picture?" Sarah Jane answers him, walking over to her car.

"Me?" Mickey points to himself, before smiling and hyping himself up.

"I'm their Man in Havana. I'm the technical support. I'm. Oh, my God. I'm the tin dog." He comes to a painful realisation. He looks down dejectedly.

"Is alright Mickey. Everybody loves the dog." I pat him on the back, he shoots me an annoyed, fake smile and I laugh at him.

John-- I mean.. The Doctor, (I suppose) and Rose hang back slightly, having a private conversation.

She looks mad, whilst he looks upset, hurt.

I watch them worriedly, they seem to be so close, I'd hate to see them fall out.

I flinch as a batlike creature dives down at us, and shoots off into the sky.

"What the fuck!!" I yell out in surprise.

"Was that a Krillitane?" Sarah Jane asks as she stands back up.

"But it didn't even touch her. It just flew off. What did it do that for?" Rose queries.

"Alright. We need to get our plan... Planned." The Doctor states.

I nod firmly.
Rose, Sarah Jane, Mickey and I stand around The Doctor as we formulate a plan together.

The next day at school, we congregate at the school gates, preparing for a battle.

I smile and wave to the students as they arrive, ushering them to their first period class.

"Rose, Y/n and Sarah, you go to the Maths room. Crack open those computers, I need to see the hardware inside. Here, you might need this." The doctor instructs, he hands his famous sonic screwdriver to Sarah.

I marvel at the sight of it, but notice that rose held her hand out, expecting the doctor to hand it to her. I note the look of betrayal on her face and I draw my lips in surprise.


He instructs Mickey to surveillance, the man holds his arms out in offence.

"Just stand outside?" He asks, offended to be left on the outskirts.

"Here, have my keys. You can keep K-9 company!" Sarah smiles smugly as she hands Mickey her car keys.

"Crack the window open!" The Doctor jests at him

"But he's made of metal!!" Mick whines.

"Didn't mean for him." The doctor smiles, smilarly to Sarah Jane.

"What are you gonna do?" Rose sighs.

"Time I had a word with Master Finch."

On the way to the maths class, I make a detour to my first period class.

Show Me The Stars (Doctor Who x Male! Teacher! Reader) -10-Where stories live. Discover now