Caffeine. Prt 1. (12)

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Aight, yall have earned it, L try doing some fluff. :))

I was late to work this morning.

I've had way too many cups of coffee.

I feel like there's something watching me, ready to yell "AHA FOUND YOU!" after jumping out at me at every corner I turn.

I can't keep doing this.

I don't want to keep doing this.

"Mr. L/n?" a soft voice picks my ears, startling me.

I whip my head around, my eyes wide, fingers curling around the edge of whatever surface it is I'm leaning on.

I catch a blurry image of ginger, a tall shape, with a white shirt I'm guessing.

"what? Huh? What's up? I'm fine!"
"yeah, sure, you don't look fine."

Lauren! That sounds like Lauren.

"Lauren? Are- are you okay? What's up?"
"I'm fine, sir. How much of that have you drunk?"
"Lauren, I'm not allowed to give you the rest of it."
"I wasn't aksin' that, sir. How much have ya had?"

Oh great, there's a steady flow of caffeine in my body and now you're asking me to use my brain?

Cheers, Lauren.

"Uh.. Um.. I've had..?" I glance over at the blurry image of my coffee cup, which feels quite light in my hand so I give it a small shake, I can feel a small amount of liquid slightly sloshing around.

I can't remember how many cups I've had before this, judging by the mountain of coffee cups in my bin, I'd say... A few.

"Too much?" I finally answer. Yes, that was a question because my vision and memory are both slightly impaired so I'm not sure.

Judging by my hand which is shaking at an alarming rate, I'd say I was close.

"Yeah, come here sir. Let's get you sat down." Wow, miss Lauren Cooper being caring!?

"th-thanks!" I blink hard, my eyes aching from the lights.

"Is that Finlay about? They should be the one helping you. I'm not bothered, they are."
"thanks for the compassion!"
"no problem, sir."

With Lauren's steady and firm arm, stabling me, I'm able to sit down in my chair.
I wipe my eyes, trying to gain sight again.

"And no, they're with Lars, doing god knows what, they told me and I can't remember."

"a'ight, hold on then." she takes a step back, not bothering to leave the room, takes a deep breath and hollers


I screw my eyes shut and cover my ears.

"Lauren, volume and language!" I softly scold.

To my surprise, I head the sound of heavy slamming, and the squeak of rubber on smooth flooring, then a long skrrt, ending in a soft thud as John's fingers came into contact with the wood of my classroom doorframe.

His heavy pants fill the room and he instantly fusses over me.

"Lauren! What's up? What's going on? Are you hurt? Need help-? OH MY SWEET GOD- Y/N! What's wrong?!"

"alright! Keep it in your pants, sir. He's alright, I fink he's had too much coffee, sir."

".. Oh, uh. Okay, then. Thanks, Lauren.
What's going on though? Why are you drinking so much coffee?"

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