Sarah Jane Smith (11)

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"Oh that's enough, I'm awake-"


"I SAID ENOUGH!" I yell whilst turning off my alarm.

With a groan of discomfort, I pull myself off the bed and trudge into the kitchen.

"Finally. Energy juice." I remark whilst taking a sip of my beautiful, nectar from the gods known as coffee.

Eventually, I somehow muster up the energy to put on clothes and go to school.

I've been finding it harder and harder to go into the building recently, you don't know who's going to turn up missing next.

You may go "oh well there's only been people going missing that have nobody to care for them, or to miss them" that's no consolation.

Not only is that just for now, that could change, but Personally I have nobody.

My mum made me promise to never talk to her again when she found out I was Gay, and my father didn't know how to take it but he eventually warmed up to it and became highly supportive of me.

But then when I was 19, six years after I came out, he died of cancer.
Me being 19, I had just left highschool and was a fresher in university, living on my own for the first time, didn't need to rely on any other family members to take care of me.

I have a sister and a brother but they have their own families to take care of, my brother doesn't care much for my sexuality, my sister was happy that she had someone to look at boys with, but now she has a child and my brother has step kids.

I literally have no family that would know I was gone.

So I'm a little bit more than scared about going missing.

Rocks crunch as my tyres bump over them slowly, coming to a stop in my parking space.

Though the car is stationary and my engine has been turned off, I don't leave the car.

Instead I stare at the building, expecting it to crumble down or something.

I put my head in my hands and mumble

"I can't keep doing this... This is ridiculous."

I then look back up and see Finlay, they're laughing with Lars.

That's what I enjoy seeing here.
That's why I keep coming here everyday.
To see my kids here happy, healthy and safe.

I can't guarantee all three of those at the moment but I will sure as hell fight for them.

I lean over and grab my bag, then open the door and step out of the blue car.

I fell back to lean on the side of my car, closing the door in the process.
Tilting my head back I take a deep, long, sweet, breath of fresh air.

Slowly I open my eyes to be greeted by a grinning John Smith.

"AHH JESUS!!" I screech and end up leaving a red print on the side of my "attacker's" face.

"Oh my god, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!" I spit out, worried.

He just blinks, face still pushed to the side. His hand slowly trails up and cautiously presses his fingertips, softly against the bright red hand print on his cheek.

My gaze still filled with worry as I stare at him.

Then he laughs.

I roll my eyes, slightly annoyed now because ehes completely fine and I was worrying for nothing.
I stand up from leaning on the car and shove him.

He staggers back, whilst still laughing.

"I guess I deserved that, haha, hurt though, where the hell did you learn to slap like that?" he rambles, voice raising in pitch when he asks questions.

I stare and smirk at his stupid antics, relieved that I didn't hurt him too much.

"damn right you deserved it, dick face. You scared me! And I grew up with an older sister and a younger brother, both greedy farts, how do you think I kept my food to myself?

"Well if that's how you handled it I'm sure it worked."

I chuckle and grip the handle of my bag, walking into the building.

"So why were you looking at me with that grin?" I ask.

"What am I not allowed to look at my friend happily?"

"Not with that creepy ass grin, you're not." I joke, earning a mock-offended pose.

"Fine. I spoke to Rose-"

"-The dinner lady that's a Friend?" I tease, knowing it make shim flustered.

"Yes. A friend. Anyway, I spoke to her, and she said that she saw the dinner lady get burned too!"

I stop walking and focus my attention solely on John.

"Go on.."

"And she told me that when she went to call for an ambulance, they told her off and said it wasn't a problem."

"that's kind of off... Seeing as Finlay said they heard her scream."

"And Rose said they ushered her into the back room."

"So now we have another witness and we have suspicious dinner ladies? What next? An under cover journalist or something?"

I should never have said anything....

Here we stand, in the staff room with Miss Sarah Jane Smith.

The headmaster grins slyly at us all as he has his hand on the small of Sarah's back, presenting her to the staff.

"May I introduce Miss Sarah Jane Smith. Miss Smith is a journalist, who's writing a profile about me for the Sunday Times."

John turns around, abandoning the conversation between Mr Parsons and I about the teacher that John Replaced.

Apparently she won the lottery without even playing, said the ticket was placed through the door at midnight...

I look at John who's mesmerised by the woman stood in the doorway before us.
His lips twitch up in the corners and a big, wonky, adorable grin bursts out across his face.

I should not have said anything about journalists or undercover people.

"Sarah Jane Smith!" John remarked

Sarah looks over at us, and gives a small smile, chuckling slightly once she sees John's face.

"Do you know her?" I ask.

"Oh do I? That's Sarah Bloody Jane! Oh we go way back!"

"Hm.. Nice to see you so happy.." I comment, making him look back at me, confused slightly.

"I'm always happy around you, I always smile..?"

"Not like this, this is a real smile. I can tell real happiness from obliged happiness. You feel as though you have to be happy, even when you aren't. I can tell."

He stares deeply at me for a few seconds until his head whips round to face the door when Sarah starts speaking.

(Here you go! Have a "long" chapter, I'm sorry about not updating but I've been busy with other things.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Also! This book reached #2 in Doctorxreader!! Thank you all so much ahhhh.
Anyway, that's all, stay safe, bye!)

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