Hey, Rose. 9 (filler)

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Okay, Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes- Adult edition:

Glasses, Wallet, Keys and Phone...

Got them, We're good.

Down the stairs, grab my toast... and out the door...

sHit, date?
Okay Monday that's fine.

Finally I get out the door and into my car.

First period, boring.
Second period, boring.
Break, food.
Third period, boring,
Fourth period, Astrophysics so that's good.
Fifth period, Fourth year Sex Ed. Eugh.

Yes! Lunch. My favourite period!

As I walk up to the lunch bar with my tray, I greet the lunch lady.

"Hey Rose, how're you today?"
"I'm Alright, Y/n. How's yourself?"
"Had to teach my fourth years about sex, bad enough the dick jokes they make in my classes, had to teach them about dicks so now they're making "scientifically correct" dick jokes..."

Rose chuckled at my exasperated sigh.

"Tell me again why I chose to work with kids?" I ask her, slipping in a 'thank you' as she piles my plate up with chips and places a pizza on the side.

She smiles to herself at my question but says nothing.

"Yeah I don't know either." I answer.
"Thanks for the food, Rose, see you tomorrow."
"Bye bye, Y/n."

I walk off to find a table to eat my food at when I catch a glimpse of Rose walking over to John...

My jealousy senses are tingling.

Just as I arrive at his table, Rose walks off back to behind the counter.

I place my tray down and pick up a chip.
"What was it you'd told me about the chips at four in the morning?"
"Not to eat them!" He practically yells, reaching out to knock the yellow stick out my hand just as I take a bite.

I make a grimace and spit it back out as a putrid taste of school dinner erupts onto my taste buds like a volcano that tastes like Casu Marzu.

"Oh god they're horrid. Are the potatoes out of date or something?"

John looks at me dumbfoundedly.
"What?" I ask blunty.
He stammers out a 'nothing...'

I give him a weird look and smile.

"So how'd you know Rose?"
He spurts out his drink and instantly lets out a string of apologies whilst frantically trying to wipe away the droplets of sprayed blackcurrent juice.
"Rose? Uh. Well, I sort of, uhm..
ho- how- How do- How do you know Rose?"
"Dont reverse the question on to me, Mr. Mysterious." I squint my eyes at him. He stares back at me as if contemplating whether or not to tell the truth.

"Think about lying to me and I'll put ammonium sulfide on your suit jacket."

He visibly gulps and sighs deeply.
"She's a good friend of mine, I've known her for a while."

"Friend?" I ask accusingly
"YES. A Friend!"
I smile cheekily at his emphasis.
"Oh I see, a friend."
"No! Not a friennd, a Friend!"

( Friend doesn't even look like a word anymore to me xD)

"You're bloody terrible you."
I grin at his comment.
"I resemble that remark."

He exhaled sharply at my childishness and smiles.

"They taste bad because youre too smart for the Krillitane oil."
"Oh, remember I said about the Krillitane oil making the kids more brainer? Basically if you're above average IQ, or too smart for the oil to work, then it tastes horrible. I hate the chips."
"What's wrong?"
"Finlay hates them, they have to get a packed lunch whenever there's chips which is turning out to be daily."
"Well, to be expected I guess, Finlay is quite unsure of themself but they're super duper smart."
"Yeah they are. I just wish they would realise that, they came to me a while ago- the day you joined actually- saying that they were worried that the uni they wanted wouldn't take them."
"Unfortunately the thick ones think they can put Einstein and Shakespeare to shame and the ones who actually can think they're ludicrous."
"No truer words...sadly..."


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