Show Me The Stars (21)

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I wake up in an unfamiliar room.

My chest hurts a lot, like something that weighs 50 tonnes was sat directly over my lungs.

I blink heavily and look around my area.

I cough.

There's a voice?

It's John.

Hm, no. That's not his name...

The Doctor.

Yes. The doctor.

He seems happy to see me.

"You're awake! Brilliant! You have no idea how scared I was." He beams at me.

It hurts, but I can't stop myself from smiling back at him.

"I thought we promised to be careful." He raises an eyebrow at me.

"I'm not the one who blew up the school, whilst I was still in it." I cheekily reply, slowly at that, but I'm talking. Which is a good sign that I'll be okay.

And I remember what happened, and who the Doctor is.

Yeah, I'll be fine.

He smiles at me and moves my hair away from my forehead so he can lean down and place a sweet kiss just above my eyes.

"Listen, I'm gonna be on my way soon.. Rose is gonna join me, I'm gonna ask if Mickey and Sarah want to come too..." He starts talking.

"Mickey! Is he okay?" I sit up suddenly, regretting it instantly.

I let out a gasp of pain, clutching my side. Then my head. I cough a couple times and all I can taste is ash and blood.

"He's okay, he got all the kids out the school... He didn't realise you were gone until a few moments before it went up in flames." The Doctor replies, slowly easing me back into a more comfortable position

"Good.. He's okay. That's good... Wait where's Finlay?" I fuss, refusing to take a moment for myself.

"They're also fine, they were one of the first ones out the building."

I nod, wincing in pain.

"What about-"

"Everyone is okay." The doctor puts his hands on my shoulders and forces me to stay down. He shuts me up quite effectively too.

He places a firm kiss on my lips, holds it for a second or two before pulling away and staring directly into my eyes.

"Everyone.. Is just fine."

There's a silence.
Just for a moment whilst I process things that happened recently.

"Y/n." He says my name.

"Hm?" I look up at him.

"I want you to come with me." He says.

I cross my eyebrows, not knowing what he means.

"I want to show you the Andromeda galaxy. I want you to see the stars, the planets, all the beautiful life that you humans are deprived of.
I want you to come with me." He rambles.

I stare at him for a moment, then I grab his collar and pull his face into mine.

I kiss him gently, soft. I smile into it. Then I pull away.

"Okay." I whisper. He stares at me, not hearing me for a second. When he does, he smiles so big. He bounces in excitement slightly before kissing me again.

"Show me the stars." I beam.

End act 1.

Yooooo holy shit that took so much longer than needed.

Okay, I'm not sure if I'll Continue this as a series of books, like end this book here and start a sequel,
Or continue this book with the next part.

Or just end the whole thing entirely, because I'm not sure how to continue it In all fairness, I will find a new idea to use eventually but for now I'm not sure what to do.

Show Me The Stars (Doctor Who x Male! Teacher! Reader) -10-Where stories live. Discover now