Break In. (prt2) 17

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You know what? I'm feeling nice. I was gonna update later on today but I'll publish now. Happy birthday

Obviously locked he doesn't even try the handle, he tries to conceal his actions but a faint buzzing sound quirks my interest.

The door opens with a slight nudge from John and he pokes his head through.

"Maybe those rats were food." He suggests, leering into the office

"Food for what?" Rose questions, not getting his hint.

We pile up behind him as he opens the door further.

A loud droning buzz fills my ears as the lanky male speaks quietly.

"Rose. You know you used to think all the teachers slept in the school? Well..... They do.." his voice nearly Drowned out by the drone but I don't need to hear him, he pushes the door open further and we all flood into the office to see giant bat like creates hanging from the lights.

"No way!" Mickey chuckles nervously as he bolts off away from the scene, the four of us follow suite. As John closed the door I hear a piercing, shrill screech of one of the creatures.

We all make a run for it out of the building as fast as we can, not knowing the power those creatures could hold.

"I am Not going back in there!!" Mickey states very clearly, his hands punctuating his point.

"No way!!" He speaks, dropping his hands on his knees to recover his breath

"Those were the teachers?!" Rose asks, not believing the situation.

"When Finch arrived, he brought with him seven new teachers, four dinner ladies and a nurse. Thirteen. - -" John starts speaking but I finish his statement with realisation.

"Thirteen big bat people..."

He turns back towards the front doors, the two girls blindly following him.

He urges the two of us to come too.

"Uh 'Come on'? You've got to be kidding!" Mickey asks, hesitant to follow.

"I need the TARDIS. I've got to analyse that oil from the kitchen." He explains making me crease my eyebrows again.

"I may be able to help you there! I've got something to show you!" Sarah Jane springs up, eager to impress as Rose turns in annoyance.

Sarah Jane grabs the doctors arm and she drags us all in tow to some unknown place.

Turns out the unknown place is her car where she pops the boot for John to leer into.

The boot contains a box-y figure under a tartan blanket, John's face lights up adorably when he pulls back the blanket.

Wait, 'adorably?' no I didn't-- I'm not ga- Pft haha no shit butch of course I am.

No he was adorable, but I'm still mad at him.. With his cute eyes and adorable, crooked smile..


"K-9!!" John yells ecstatically,his eyes crinkle at the corners to add to his joy.

He whips the blanket off the metal dog fully to examine the rusty metal dog that's obviously seen much better days.

Mickey's face says it all. Neither him or Rose are impressed. I'm just amused.

"Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith, Y/n L/n, allow me to introduce K-9- well K-9 Mark 3 to be precise.." He lights up as he examines the exposed side of the tin dog.

"why does he look so... Disco?" Rose asks, rightfully so. That dog is the flashiest thing I've seen and my mother was a 60s fanatic.

"Oi!! Listen in the year 5000, this was cutting edge!" John says earning a checkle from me.

He looks at me as if realising I'm still here..

"That was a joke right? No?.. No?" I ask, my face dropping in confusion.

"what happened?" John asks, visably concerned.

As he and the female journalist starts talking about the strange hunk of metal in the back of Sarah Jane's car, I turn to Rose and Mickey.

"Right, is he serious? What is going on?" My voice laced with confusion, hurt by the exclusion of the loop.

"It's a long story... One best told by him. I'm so sorry, I wanted to tell you but it was risky." Rose tells me.

"Wait, he doesn't know?" Mickey asks, pointing at me.

Rose shakes her head as I ask for clarification.

"Know what?" I repeat until I give up looking for answers.

"No offence ebut can you two stop petting for a minute? Nevermind the tin dog, we're busy!" Rose sasses- tension still high between the two girls- as she leans against the silver car.

I feel like I can still hear the screeching but as I look around I can't see anything.

Must just be my imagination..

The group decide to go down to the chippy to recuperate and try to get K-9 up and running again. Rose slumps onto the counter with Mickey as Sarah Jane fawns over John in a window booth.

"Right so is it just me or are those two getting rather cuddly all of a sudden?" I ask, noticing the chemistry between Sarah Jane and John.

I glance over at the two to see Sarah Jane laughing, gazing at John fondly as he leans over the tin dog, fiddling around with some wires, his eyes crinkled with joy.

Sure I'm jealous but come on, he's adorable all happy like that.

"You see, what's impressive is that it's  been nearly an hour since we met her and I still haven't said 'I told you so'." Mickey jests.

"I'm not listening to this." Rose states, moodily

Despite Rose's expression, Mickey beams and continues.

"Though I have prepared a little 'I was right' dance I can show you later." he laughs, earning a glare from Rose.

"2 quid, love." The chef states, holding a hand out. Rose quickly shoves a pale hand into her jacket pocket and pulls out some cash to hand over, in exchange she's gifted her box of chips which she opens and stabs one of the potato sticks to shove into her upset mouth.

"All this time you've been giving this 'He' s different!' but the truth is: he' s just like any other bloke!" Mickey remarks, his tone slightly salty.

Rose insists he doesn't know what he's taking about as we sit down in a booth opposite the reunited friends.

"Maybe not.. But if I were you.." He speaks but pauses as he turns to look back at the laughing pair,

"I'd go easy on the chips." He suggests as he turns back to face the blonde girl, catching her with a single chip half in her mouth as she pauses to process his words then shyly pulls the chip fully past her lips to chew.

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